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"What are you doing here?!" Ian yelled at me. Fallon lightly stepped in front of me.

"I'm not going to hurt her" Fallon said.

"I dont know that!" Ian said.

"Ian! Stop. I'm fine. Fallon didn't hurt me. I like Fallon" i said.

"Where is Liz?' Ian asked.

"She is out getting us something to eat" I said. "She should be here in five minutes." Fallon turned to look at me in disbeleif. So i didn't tell the whole truth..

"Great just enough time to tell me whats going on" Ian said.

"Sure" I said walking into the house with Fallon.

"Why..can't i come in?" Ian asked. I looked over and saw that he was holding his hands up in the air as if there was a invisable wall there.

"Oh, sorry a human owns this house" Fallon said.

"A human lives here?" I asked.

"No, She just owns the house. I never bought it. Only a human can invite him in." Fallon said.

"Wait. So the whole invite into the house thing works? I thought that would be a myth" i said smiling.

"No. But we rarly get that trouble, so we forget" Ian said.

"That is so funny" I said.

"Can you invite me in already?" Ian asked me annoyed.

"Oh me? haha I'll think about it" i said giving him a smile. I heard Fallon chuckle behind me on the couch.

"Ian,  would you like to come in?"  Ian then walked in the house slowly. He crossed his arms 

"OK, It's time to tell you everything" I said. We told him about the first time we met., the fair, and the times we met with Liz.

"So, Is this some kind of a relationship?" Ian asked at the end. I looked back at Fallon.

"Im not sure" I said.

"Why do you care?" Fallon asked. Ian shook his head then looked at me.

"You lied to me. You promised you would not go to Jade's house without me. Jade told me what you did. I can no longer protect you from her. I can't stand people who dont listen to me when I only try to help." Ian said. He stood up and looked at me then he was gone.

I stood up. I wanted to go after him, but i know it was no use.

"I..I.... shoot. What did i do?" I asked.

"Jade. Jade planned the whole thing. She wants you to be alone. I'm here. I'll protect you. You dont need to worry about it. He will come back around." Fallon said.

"I just need to-"

"Hazel" Fallon whispered. "Please, dont"

"what?" I asked. 

"You did nothing wrong. I dont think anything you say will change Ian's mind.I may not know him but i know Vampires have tempers and hold grudges" Fallon said. I sighed as i relaxed my muscles. I looked at the Tv. 

"This is my favortie part" I said. Fallon looked to see the bad guy use a wrench to cut off the girls fingers. 

"Thats disturbing on so many levels" Fallon said. I chuckeled lightly. Fallon pulled me into a side hug. 

"I will protect you from Jade." Fallon said. 

"Thanks" I said as i wrapped my arms around him. He kissed my hair and sighed. 

"What is the hold up with Liz?" Fallon asked. I pulled away to look at his face. 

"I dont know. Why is she taking so long? Should we go look for her?" I asked. 

"I'm not sure. She's a vampire, does she really need looking out for?" 

"..Do you think Jade would do anything to her?' I asked. 

"I..dont know" Fallon said. I put on my jacket and then i started outside. 

"Where are you going?" Fallon asked. 

"Deep down in my gut. I think Liz is in trouble" I said. 

"I'll come with you" Fallon said and with encredible speed he was behind me and his cold hand was gripping me below the elbow. I looked up and smiled. 

"Thanks" I whispered. 

"Get on my back" Fallon said. 

"What? We can't just zoom zoom out in public" I said. His expression questioned my new term.

"I can scense if a human is close by and im faster then most vampries so there is little possiblity someone will see me.. zoom zoom" Fallon said pulling out a hand towards me. I sighed then placed my small hand in his. He pulled me up on his back in a second, i gripped on and closed my eyes as i felt the wind start to hit my face. I gripped my arms around his neck tighter and pressed my front to his back. 

It was over fast. We were in front of the mansion gates and i was lightly let off his back after trying five minutes to loosen my hold on him. There was a rush in my heart and my stomach had butterflies. 

"Liz isn't here. She had been gone an hour and a half ago" Fallon said. 

"Your not going to find her" I heard Jades voice behind me. Fallon turned around a second before me.

"What have you done with her?" Fallon asked. I saw a flash of wind in the corner of my eye and i saw Ian was just coming out of the trees. He looked confused and hurried over to us.

"What is going on?" Ian demanded.

"I'm so sorry" Jade whispered and wiped a tear that wasn't there. She faked a sniffle then walked off in her light blue gown. I thought i heard a giggle from her as she walked by. I felt my throat starting to close.

"What did you do with her?! Where is she?!" I Screamed at Jade. I was about to run after her but Fallons arms grabbed me from behind.

"Dont think She will hesitate to kill you" Fallon whispered in my ear. I felt small tears run down my face. I tried to calm down but all i wanted to do was kill Jade. I wanted Jade out of here.

"OK" I said. I sighed then rested my head on Fallons shoulder. 

"I know this may sound absulutly crazy but you need to not get mad at Jade, at the moment. We need to get that key then we will find out everything" Fallon said. I sighed.


"Ok" Fallon kissed my forehead and lightly pressed my finger tips to his heart. 

"That feels nice" I said. 

"mm" Fallon said. "I'll see you tonight at the ball." Fallon said. He let go.



"Can you escourt me to the ball tonight? A change from your sisters"  I asked feeling stupid already. 

"I would love to Ms....-"

"Trinian" I said. 

"Trinian?Your taking thier last name?" He asked. 

"Yeah" I chuckled. 

"Thats nice" Fallon said smiling. 

"yeah..." I said twisting my fingers behind my back and biting my lip like a little kid.

"Well, I'd love to bring you Ms. Trinian" Fallon said giving me a bow. I pressed a smile. Then walked back into the house. Ian following behind probably annoyed. 


OK done! and if you havn't noticed i have changed my profle name to TBkinz instead of Lovemisty.

OK i hope you like this chapter!

and soon you will find out what happened to Liz!..

oh and sorry for the late upload i was out all day being busy and whatnot. Gah

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