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"Royalty, really?" I asked.

"Well...yes the family used to be royal about.... years ago." Ian said. Inside the panic room there was a cooler, a desk, and a few chairs. Ian sat down in one of the chairs while Liz leaned against one of the walls. I wanted to ask why her eyes were like that. I wasn't sure if it was rude. It could be a defect, or possible a disease?

She would look at me but I never kept eye contact with her.

"Why are we hiding from them?" I asked. Liz and Ian exchanged a look.

"Well?" I asked.

"They are just dangerous to be around." Liz said quickly. I sighed and started to walk to the corner of the room and slid down the wall and sat down. I heard the small footsteps and then the small door was opened. Liz was frozen in the middle of the room as the big door stopped moving.

"Calm your bottoms it's only me" I heard someone say behind the door. It was obvious it was a man's voice. So relaxing and familiar. I just couldn't think of who it could be. His legs started down the stairs as he entered the small space.

"Lucas" Liz sighed...did she roll her eyes? I can't tell but I saw movement.

"Lucas" I breathed. "Lucas?"

"Hello my Beauty, how have you been?" Lucas said walking over to me and lightly kissing my cheek. I was in shock. What was that for?

"Lucas" Ian complained as he walked over to me and pushed me behind him. "Stop"

"Oh, Young bro, don't worry I'm not going to do anything" He smiled and winked at me. Lucas Then brought the small box out from his arm and handed it to Liz.

"You might need this. I hear he was staying for a little while" Lucas said. Liz nodded and put the box into the freezer without question.

"This isn't good" Ian asked. "What does he want?"

"Of course to see the girl" Lucas said gesturing his hand in my direction.

"Well can't Katerina say no?" Liz asked. Lucas and Ian both rolled their eyes. I felt like I wasn't being acknowledged in the room any further. Were they talking about me?

"No, He won't leave till they see her."

"Why can't I meet them?" I asked assuming it was me.

"You're cute Haze" Lucas said raising his eyes at me. "Just let the grownups talk"

I was officially pissed. Liz shrugged. "Yeah I get that a lot. Don't worry." Liz comforted me with a smile. I started to feel a little more comfortable with Liz she was really actually sweet.

"I'm serous" I said. "What will they do to me?"

"We don't know that is why we don't want you seen by them" Ian said sighing and pulling one hand through his hair.

"Yes and everyone is sitting on the side lines watching the drama unfold."

"What are they saying?

"They're just trying to figure out why our family came into town. They want to know what we've got cooked up.

"Nosey. And what did Ina and Arthur say?"

"Nothing except that they've gotten a new member of the family."

"They don't think it's who we know she is right?"

"I don't really know. They might suspect she is, but they can't know till they see her"

"What are you talking about? Someone please explain to me what the hell is happening" I demanded as I stomped my foot. Lucas and Ian looked at me in disbelief.

"That's cute" Lucas said as he winked at me again. I got a chill down my back and I rolled my eyes.

"What's in the box?' I thought maybe a more specific question would suffice.

"Blood" Lucas said.

"Hey!" Ian and Liz said together.

"We can't hide all this from her forever. I'm just speeding the process. She can't just live with a bunch of-and not figure out eventually. Its better we tell her then let her find out on her own" Lucas said before they could say anything. Ian closed his eyes and Liz rolled hers. I was more confused than I had been. Why would we need blood? Who's blood? Is this a joke?

"You're stupid" She said to Lucas. Lucas shrugged and then started to walk back up the steps.

"Lucas!" I said I got up and limped over to him in pain. "What else can you tell me?"

"ah, ah, ah. All in good time" He whispered.

"Where are you going?" I asked him

"Oh I'll be back." he kissed my forehead before he left. I was confused by his weird behavior towards me.

"We can't just stay here" I said "I will die"

"What do you have in mind? They can smell you from a mile away" Liz said to me. I was confused even more then I already was. Smell me?

"Please. Don't leave me here"

"Oh I love when you beg for me baby" His hand gripped my wrist and I yanked it away.

"Ew" I said. He huffed in frustration.

"I'll ask what they think upstairs. Till then stay and wait for me" Lucas said as he continues up the steps. I sighed. Feeling defeated.

"Ian" I wined.

"Can you just not talk for a while? I'm thinking" Ian said. We sat in the room for more than an hour and I waited for an explanation to all the crazy that was going on.

"Have you gotten enough think time?" I asked as soon as the door started to open up again. Lucas's head popped in with a grin.

"Hey beautiful" He nodded towards me.

"What's the memo?" Ian asked.

"Katerina and Arthur say they might as well get this greeting out of the way. It's unavoidable. Get her dressed and down in a proper manner. We're in the Parlor"

"Dammit. They're right." Ian said. "Liz can you take her upstairs to her room. Get her cleaned up, and try to make her look...Different." Liz nodded and we all crawled our way out of the safe room. I still had a million questions, but for now I was glad to be out of that room.

Liz sighed and pulled on my arm all the way up to my balcony. Liz looked around for a solution up, and it made me wonder how Ian got down. It was extremely high up.

"Get up the vines. I'll be behind you" Liz said. I looked at the vines that crawled up the stone wall of the mansion.

"Grip onto some of the stones if you have too. No front door for us" I sighed and made my way up, slowly, but surly. Once in my room Liz wanted me to wear my casual black dress with black flats. She brushed my shoulder length hair into a high pony tail, but then she took it out and fluffed it more over my face. Finally she sighed and shrugged.

"That's as proper and different as I can get ya. You still look like...a pretty girl" Liz corrected herself and then smiled. I guess it was now or never. We started out way down and I was going to meet the people known as...


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