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"Wow, sucks to be you" Jade said. I rolled my eyes and started to climb into bed.

"I hope you don't mind I'll be slumbering here tonight" Jade said as she tucked herself in the other side of the bed. I moaned then turned over on my side.

"Night sister" I heard Jade giggle. I rolled my closed eyes and tried to sleep.

- - - -

"Stop staring at me Fallon" Jade giggled. It was the ball. But it was from a long time ago. I was just floating in the air. Was I having another one of Jades memories?

"Jade, I just ask for one dance." I heard Fallon smile. I looked over and there he was standing by a table filled with food. He held a glass in his hand.

"Nope" Jade giggled. She pushed off a chair and walked past Fallon, after she lightly brushed her finger tips on his shoulder. Fallon Closed his eyes, smiled then he followed her out the door. My eyes widened.

I sat up in bed and grabbed my silk dress over my heart. My mouth was a little open but I wasn’t breathing. I looked over to see Jade. She floating and her right hand was over her left shoulder and vice Versa. It was odd to see a vampire sleep. I slowly got out of bed and tip toed down stairs. The old steps made sounds every few steps. I found myself in the kitchen and grabbed two cookies then I slowly walked to the cleaning closet.

I opened the door and it made a small creaky noise. The ground was cold and the air was cold. My small silk tank top clung to me and hugged myself and went in. Maybe it's just me but I'm starting to believe I was given these odd visions so I could survive jade's wrath. I looked to find the silver box, but I found nothing. I finally sat down by one of the racks of cleaning and sighed. I felt tired and ready to give up. I had cobwebs on my fingers and my pj pants were all dusty.

"Maybe I'm crazy" I whispered to myself. I traced the outline of the brick wall and lightly touched the hard surface as small crumbles fell off the brick where ever I touched. There was one brick kind of sticking out and I pushed on it. I sighed bored and felt like an underachiever.

"Loose brick" I whispered. I wondered what the house looked like before it started to puke bricks. I sighed again then started to get up. I rubbed my eyes a little tired. As I walked out I paused...loose brick? I walked back in the closet and sat back where I was and pulled out the brick...

"Whoa" I said. There was so much room in there. I stuck my hand back in there, scared I would catch something with eight little legs. I searched around the cold bricks till I hit something smoother. I smiled to myself as I tugged on it. Yes! This was it, it was the tin box! I was excited as I used a little of the strength from my right arm to pull it out. I quickly looked at the box....It was locked! shoot! I clenched my teeth as I slid the small box back in the small hidden brick wall. And I slid the brick inside the slot. I got up and walked out of the room. I slowly turned around from closing the door, but someone’s hand went over my mouth as soon as I screamed..

"Shhh" He said. I blinked and tried to look up but his grip on my mouth was hard as my back was to his chest and pressed hard. His other hand was lying on my stomach, pressing me closer to his chest.

"You’re making a lot of noise you know" Fallon said. What was he doing here? I pulled his hand away from my mouth and he was willing. He grabbed the other cookie that was in my hand and started to munch on it.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered in a hush voice.

"What are you doing? I’m looking for a dairy” Fallon whispered back. He finished the rest of the cookie in a bite and I rolled my eyes.

"How do you know about that?" I asked. He put his finger to his lips as he took my hand and led me to the back of the kitchen.

"Jade told me she kept a dairy safe" Fallon said. "It took me awhile to figure out where and since she died I’ve been coming here at night and searching the house. The cleaning closet is the last place to look...and here u are making loud noises down here." Fallon whispered.

"You’re a creeper" I said almost bursting into giggles. He smiled his crooked smile and shook his head slightly to himself.

"I had a vision she was here in the closet writing in the book. She has a key around her neck. It unlocks the tin jewelry case to get to the dairy" I said. He breathed in and out of his nose a deep breath.

"200 years and you figure it out in a couple days...I'm impressed" Fallon said. I smiled. I wrapped my arms around myself again as I looked around the kitchen feeling awkward now.

"Oh heavens Hazel, Why are you down here without something to keep you warm. Here take my jacket" Fallon said he pulled off his coat. It wasn't leather but it was a fancy ruff and inside it was nice. It was modern though. It had small buttons and a zipper that could zip up and it kind of had a turtle neck thing. He slid the jacket around my shoulders..

"It’s like a movie" I whispered as i took in the scent of his jacket in my nose.

"A what?" He asked.

"A movie where the girl gets cold and the gentlemen offers the coat. Then they fall in love" I said to mostly myself.

"I wish life was that simple" Fallon said. I was so warm now and Fallons face was glowing in the dark. It made my smile wider.

"Is she wearing the key?" Fallon asked.

"Yes" I said.

"Well...if you have this memory of the book then I don't think she has it. She doesn't remember the dairy I we just have to convince her to take it off" Fallon said.

"That could be too easy" I said confidently.

"Maybe...but if I know jade, she might want to know what the key goes to" Fallon said. I looked up into his eyes.

"Your eyes" I said. He blinked.

"What?" He asked.

"They're Hazel color" I said.

"Are they?" he asked.

"They always looked dark, but now..I see the light green in them. When the moon shinning on them. They're Hazel."

"Well, I guess that means I only have eyes for you" He said pulling me into his arms. I looked up to his face and I felt the warmth of him around my body. Why was his body so warm right now?

"You’re corny" I whispered up to him. I was starting to feel breathless around him and I wasn't sure what I was feeling with Fallon, but it felt so good. I felt so safe i just wanted him to have his way with me. Then that reminded me of something I had to ask him.

"Did you sleep with Jade?" I asked him suddenly. His eyes widened and I felt him slowly pulling away from me. I started to chew the inside of my cheek because I already knew the answer.

"Why do you ask?" he looked at me skeptical

"I had a dream" I said.

“Do you have a lot of those?” he asked. I could see he was trying to change the subject.

“I do, and I found out a lot of them are true” I said. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him ready to tap my foot at him.

“Okay, to be honest, Jade and I did have that kind of relationship, but that was pretty much it for our relationship” He said.

“Do you ever think we will ever have that kind of relationship?” I asked him slowly.

:I’m not sure what we have right now?”

“Yeah, we haven’t really DTRed”

“D-T-R?” He asked.

“Defined the relationship” I told him. He nodded to himself and then I felt the awkward silence in the room again.

“We don’t have to figure that out right now” I said.

“Yeah, what we have is good” He said. I nodded and we agreed and I felt the nerves just being passes between us.

“But if we did have any kind of relationship it would defiantly last” Fallon said.

 - - - - -

OK I hope you liked that chapter! vote and fan and whatnot! thank you all for reading and your comments encourage me to keep writing so i thank you very very much!

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