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The Night finally came and I didn't feel like coming out of my room as I heard the front door open and close constantly. I heard laughter and small muffled voices as I stayed in my room. I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay in my room the whole night, but finally Ina poked her head in my doorway.

"Oh, Hazel, Come out and meet the rest of our family" She said. I shook my head and then looked at the hands in my lap.

"I'm scared Arthur will yell at me" I said.

"Oh Haze" Ina said now coming in and closing the door behind her.

"Have you been standing in the rain your hair is wet" Katerina asked looking at my hair. I hid my face feeling guilty because I went outside to my balcony for a little while and I guess it was raining. She sighed then brought me up to my night stand and started to brush out the knots in my hair.

"You look beautiful" Ina said starting to dry my hair. She looked in a small drawer and pulled out a curling iron.

"Here we go" She said smiling "Now let's see what we can do here"

As she curled my hair she pulled out bobby pins and hair clips and hummed to small old tunes from the 80's. I giggled at she pinned my curly black locks. She then did my make up giving a dark Smokey look to me. My skin just wasn't as pale as her. I smiled at myself in the mirror because I haven't looked this beautiful in a long time.

"Now, let's go" Katerina said and held my hand as we walked out of my room. I walked down the stairs feeling so pretty. My small flat shoes tapped on the stairs as I skipped down in the dress that was also beautiful. I went to the dining room and as I entered I saw every head turn to look at me and Katerina behind me. The room was dimly lit and the table was filled with people. The smell of wine and perfume was flooding the room. The weirdest thing about this was that they all seemed alike. Only some were different hair color and some were plumper. 

"Well don't just stare at her. Let's get her a seat and introduce ourselves" a man said near the middle of the table. Him, I knew him! He was another person from my vision. One of the brothers. After he spoke it took everyone a minute, but eventually they started to talk and chat again, but I felt it was about me now. Katerina walked over and sat by her husband who was sitting at the end of the table on the left. It was such a daja vu. Maybe this was my vision. Maybe I can see the future. Thats it. I'm not having weird flashbacks...wait. It was different. The small girl wasn't there and I wasn't Jade. My head started to spin with all my jumbled thoughts. 

"Come Hazel, sit by me" The same man said. He gave me a smile and pulled out the seat next to him. I silently walked over and sat next to him. I was feeling a little awkward as everyone was still trying to stare at me from the corners of their eyes.

"Hi" I said.

"Well Hello, I'm Lucas" He said giving me a smile. He looked like a younger version of Arthur but still pale and thin cheeked and messy black hair in his face. his features were different but i remember thats because he wasn't blood. 

"I suppose you already know my name" I said looking down at my plate that didn't bare any food.

"You suppose right" he said, smiling.

"Lucas stop" someone said sitting on the other side of him. It was also a man only looking about a couple years younger. Wearing a small suite and his hair cut short. He was the other brother. I recognized him aswell. 

"Hi" I said to him and waving a little, stunned that I recognized him at all. 

"I'm Ian, Lucas's younger brother" He said. I thought they looked like each other, but of course everyone here looked like everyone.

"We are your mother's sisters, husbands, sisters kids." he said the title giving me a nice smile. 

"Wow, you guys stay a close family" I didn't even really understand, but I didn't really care. 

"It's a bit complicated, but everyone knows us as family" I smiled feeling slightly more comfortable. I looked across the table at an older couple the husband spoke first. 

"Hello, Hazel. This is Yasmine my wife, and I am Sherok" The couple said odd names. 

"The parents of Lucas and Ian" The women said."My brother was married to katerina's Sister. Sadly they both died from illness young. The Trinians have kept my small family close to theirs. We're family as far as anyone's concerned." 

"Of course. It's always nice to have family when you lose someone" I spoke before realizing that I didn't have family. My relatives all sort of passed away or moved far away before I really got to know them. It's like we were cursed. Now I've lost my parents and I'm surrounded by strangers. 

 I nodded and continued to eat. Their meet was a little to red for my liking, but they had amazing bread. 

After eating everyone went into the living room with the two fireplaces. They all stood around and chatted. Some wondered the property talking about last time they all visited. Many people introduced their-selves to me, but many kept their distance. I stood off in the corner mostly enjoying my white whine and watching others talk to each other. They have all traveled a lot, but no where really special. 

"It's been to long since our families have come together and partied" Lucas said next to me appearing out of nowhere. He was leaned on the fireplace and had his glass in between his fingers as he watched the talking and slow dances between the people.

"How many people are here?" I asked.

"About fifty now, but I think the only friendly ones would be our family. Has no one else introduced themselves?"

"yeah a few,but not really" I said feeling a little awkward.

"How rude. They will warm up some time. They will be staying a couple nights." he said. "People here have traveled from Europe and Australia to come see you and the family. Plus everyone is starting to lose their cash and the Trinian's over here have cash" Lucas said rolling his eyes in disgust.

"Oh, how sad. Do you think Katerina and Arthur would donate to the other Trinian's? They are family"

"Who knows? We haven't seen them in years. Not after....that night " Lucas was about to leave but I put my hand on his chest and pulled him back.

"Wait, talk to me. I have been hearing things about this "night" what happened if you don't mind me asking"

"I think when the time comes you will learn more than you can comprehend" Lucas said Lucas's gaze started to wonder further down from my face. 

"Hey, bud. Up here" I said lifting his chin. "I'm a minor, 17"

"You're parent-less. You can do whatever you want" His words hurt more than I thought. He slid his hand down my arm and I smacked it away. 

"How dare you?" I wanted to yell, but my frustration came out more breathy as I pushed passed him. I needed to get out of here. I started to walk up the stairs to my room and I notice Lucas watching me from the parlor. I rolled my eyes as I as I rushed upstairs. I needed time to think. Something weird was going and something was not right about this whole family reunion. When I got to my room I slipped off my shoes and then started to walk to my closet. I felt suffocated I needed to get this dress off me. 

"Are you changing?" someone asked behind me. I felt cold arms wrap around my body and I froze. I don't remember hearing anyone come in. the sound of his voice should have frightened me, but I felt my body starting to relax in a daze almost. 

"Lucas?" I mumbled. My belly felt warm, as if I had drunken too much wine. 

"I was being rude downstairs and I thought I would make it up. Will you dance with me?" Lucas said in a seductive sexy voice. I nodded as he led me to the middle of the room to dance.


OK i hope you liked it. :D

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