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BEEEPP Beeep wait a minutes!!! DON"T read YET Quick announcement from Author before you read on. There is a word i MADE UP in here. About cleaning supplies so dont go looking on any cleaning supplie bottles to find this word that I MADE UP and see if you can find the chemical and then go to school thinking if it burns one of your students they must be vampires. OK Thanks. Plus I wont be uploading like...twice a day anymore.(unless it's a have to thing. Like you need to read on to understand some thing) I will promise you atleast 1 upload a week. i have about 7 chapters already done just not posted. OK Bye. (Don't forget to comment and vote)


When we were in the ballroom, we set the stuff down as soon as Lucas appeared in the doorway. He had his arms crossed over his chest and he leaned on the wood paneling of the door.

"What are you two kids up to?" Lucas asked. I shared a glance with Liz she blinked then pierced her lips.

"We are cleaning the ballroom for tonight" Liz said. She twisted her hand behind her back and chewed the inside of her cheek. She looked so small and adorable. Ian came up behind Lucas. I guess he walked and Lucas used his inhuman speed.

"That is out of the schedule" Ian said. He walked past Lucas and looked at me. "No"

"Lucas. Will you please help us?" I asked Lucas pretending that Ian wasn't there.

"Sure" Lucas said he sighed and stood up all the way. He walked over to a table to look at all our cleaning supplies.

"No no no and no Lucas. You will not help with anything. We are not going to help with this. It's almost....disturbing to think about the whole family dancing over a dead girl we all new." Ian said.

"Oh my dear brother, don't be like that. Yes it might be uncomfortable, but we can't just leave this room rotting by itself. We want to clean it and if it doesn't work out tonight..then we will leave it alone" Lucas said.

"Fine. Do what ever you want. I was out to get food for the girls if anyone asks." Ian said. He left with a huff. Lucas shrugged but i could tell Liz seemed almost guilty. I did too. What if he got in trouble for not watching us and leaving us with Lucas?

"Lets get going" I whispered before Liz ran off to find Ian and ask for forgiveness. Liz came out of her -own-world-face-

"huh?...oh yeah. Let's get going" She said. She tossed her hair back then picked up the mop.

"Wait. Liz if the acid from the cleaner hits you, you might get stung" Lucas said.

"huh?" I asked.

"Oh i know. that's why I bought new pants yesterday so we could clean and i wouldn't get hurt. the Liquid won't do anything to the clothing. I forgot to get them. Be right back" Liz said she skipped off and out of the room.

"Cleaning acid could burn her?" I asked Lucas.

"There is a chemical in most cleaning supplies that burns us. We don't know why, but in most high intoxicating chemical things like nail polish remover, or rubbing alcohol burns us. It hand't showed up until the last 50 years. All we know is to be cautious around anything high in chemicals." Lucas said as he swept the whole ballroom within seconds. He was working fast almost a blurr.

"That's interesting" I nodded along as I organizaed the cleaning supplies on the desk. I started to feel awkward because Liz and Lucas worked so much faster then me. 

"What should i do?" I asked. 

"Try the surfaces of the tables with that cleaner" Lucas said he was smiling now. I nodded just as Liz bust through the doors. She was wearing a small paint splattered shirt and baggy pants they were jean but super loose. She had on black socks. It was clear they weren't hers either.

"You like? I heard this is something Haley Williams wore in one of her photo shoots" Liz said She did a small spin then looked at me in glee. She slid on the ballroom floor.

"Who?" Lucas asked.

"Hayley Williams only the lead vocalist in Paramore. God Lucas get with the times" She said flipping her hair. I smiled at her.

"You're so weird" i commented. She giggled and hurried to get the mop. She mopped so fast it only took her a second to get the whole floor. Lucas was done brooming and just looking at the place.

"Oh i forgot something" Liz said. She zoomed out of the room and was back in a second.

"I got this in town. It plays small disk things." She put in a CD and then pressed a button on her small boom box. It started to play rock music. She moved her head back and forth trying to be funny. I chuckled as i finished cleaning all the surfaces.She giggled and slid on the ball room floor more. I laughed at her as she tried to sing with the music but failed. Not because she was sooo off key but because she didn't even know the lyrics. After an hour of work we all seemed to have done our jobs well, but it just wasn't quite right. 

"You guys know that the floor and tables aren't enough we have to also renew the wall paper and replace the lights" Lucas said. I looked at the walls. He was right they were old. I looked at the chandlers that hung on the roof. Some of the crystals were chipped and some even broken off. The light from the light bulb was so dim you couldn't tell that it was even on.

"There floor does look very nice though. I'll help with the tables and I'll call Ian I'll ask him if he could order deserts, appetizers, Wine, and some other stuff" Lucas said. I nodded to myself as Lucas started to make the call.

"Liz could you start baking some cookies?" Lucas asked. Liz smiled showing all her pearly white teeth.

"Of course" She said she lightly skipped out of the room. I think i was getting used to her dark eyes as they flashed to me ounce before leaving the room. Looking at Liz you would have never guessed she was alive 200 years ago. She tried to get with the times and it was funny to watch her laugh.

"We don't have enough time to call the place that renews wall paper and lights." I said. Ian walked back in the room with two bags. Inside you could see there were two boxes in them.

"Here is your lunch. I heard news that the hunters, including our parents won't be back till tomorrow afternoon. Everyone was going for a big hunt so they went up to the mountains to satisfy thier need for blood for a while and not get the urge to eat the only human in here" Ian said not looking at me.

"That's perfect" I said. i pulled out my cell phone and looked up a number for home depot and called to get the room refurnished. I wanted it to be just like 200 years ago  though. New and clean again. I was excited happy. When i was finished I started to get the lunch that was on the table. I went to the  the dinning room on the other side of the house. Liz walked out of the kitchen with a small apron on. It was pink with little beads on it. She had her hair up.

"ohhh Lunch" She said she took off her apron and sat down next to me and started to chow down on her burger and sip from a cup that was covered. I could only assume it was her other hunger being satisfied. 

"There are people coming to the house to clean and fix up the ballroom. I do think i shouldn't be here as they clean. Only to be safe. Oh and...your eyes.....What are you going to do?" I asked. she shrugged and took another bite.

"Plus i kind of want to see the fair. I keep seeing the papers flying around our house." I said.

"Yeah fine. I'll just let Ian show you the town and I'll be here with Lucas. He can trick the workers to help us fix the place for our parents." Liz said. She giggled then drank some more from her cup.

"I'll be in my room for a second." Liz said she got up from the table and cleaned her spot and took the rest of her cup with her as she skipped out of the room. I sighed.

"When do you want to leave?" Ian asked. He was standing by the kitchen door.

"How bout we leave when the workers get here. I'll get ready" I said. i cleaned up my area then walked out of the room and skipped up the steps up to my room. I couldn't wait to have a fun day with Ian at the fair. I just wish it was still sunny outside.

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