Happy Birthday Haz and Jess!

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***Chapter 2:


Jessica's P.O.V

WAKIE WAKIE JESSIE!!! WAKE YOUR BUTT UP!!! We're have a party today. Cause guess what gurllll?! IT'S OUR BIIIIRTHDAYYYYY!!! And we're gonna party like there is no tomorrow!! Harry said screaming in my ear as he was doing stupid dances around my room.

I'm up you little twit. I said stretching as I get out of bed.

"How did you even get in my house?" I asked. "My mum drove me over her duh! Ugh.. Girls are so stupid." Harry replied. "Excuse me. Says to the guy who got his head stuck in a tuba at our 6th birthday party.." I said laughing.

"JESSICA MAY LILLY!!! You said you'd never bring that up." Harry pouted.

Ahhhh geez Harry it's just us in the room. But, you need to get out so I can change." I said. "Alright." As he left humming a tune. Harry was an AMAZING singer. I was always jealous of him since I was 5. I mean I can sing, but not as good as Harry. Harry was a perfect singer to be 7. I knew he would make it someday. But that's what I was worried about. I mean even tho I'm 7 I wanted to be with Harry FOREVER.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!! HARRY BIRTHDAY DEAR HAZ AND JESSIE!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!!" All of our friends and family sang to me Harry. Harry and I couldn't stop giggling!! We were so happy that we were FINALLY 7!! " I can't believe my baby is all grown up!" My dad said kneeling down and kissing me on the forehead. Me and my dad didn't have that special connection cause he was always gone. But, when he was home I spent as much time as possible as I could with him, my dad is in the army and tomorrow he's leaving for 12 months! So.. It'll just be me and my mum! I'm used to it tho! Harry's mum and dad got divorced a couple of years ago. I was there for Haz. But we were both to young to REALLY understand. Harry's mum had just re-married to a guy named John. Haz called him dad and respected him as one. "CAKE AND PRESENT TIME!!" My friend Rachel called out. I chuckled at her, "yes Rachel. Just yes." I said turning to my mum for confirmation that I can open my presents. "Let me cut the cake and then we'll open presents okay sweetie?" My mum said grinning at me. My mum was beautiful. She had blue eyes Just like me. And perfect teeth. And blonde hair that touched the middle of her back. I got my black hair from my dad. "Okay!" I said smiling at her.

It was finally present time. Hazza couldn't sit still for crap. Gosh. He annoyed me sometimes. But he was like my brother. My best friend. He ALWAYS made me smile, laugh anything. He was there to cheer me up. I loved Harry more than life, but just as friends. Nothing more!


Harry's P.O.V.

"OHMYGOSH!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH LIZZIE!! I love it!" I said grinning at her. Lizzie had got me a toy truck. It was pretty beast. I loved it. Lizzie had got Jessie a doll. Jessie FELL in love with it, "Okay my turn." Jessie's mum Ellen said handing me and Jessie our presents from her! But.. Me and Jessie looked at each other weird. Ellen had gave us one present together. It was a small box. We opened it and a HUUUGE smile spreaded across our faces. Jess and I had wanted these hearts that had best on one and friend on the other and it connected. I took friend and put it on my keychain that my friend Robert had gave me. And Jessie took best and put it on her silver necklace that her dad gave her. Jessie was tearing up..


Jessica's P.O.V

"It's time for bed little ones!" My mum said to Harry and I. (I know you think it's weird that Harry is staying the night but he's sleeping on the floor. Lol) "Okay!" Harry and I said in unison. My mum left and Harry hurried and sat at the end of my bed. "Harry will you promise me something?" I asked softly, "Anything!" Harry replied quickly. "Will.. Will.. You promise that you'll always be my best friend and NEVER leave me?" I said stuttering. "Yes I Harold Edward Styles promise to never leave you and and be your best friend FOREVER!" He emphasized "forever" making me smile. "AND I JESSICA MAY LILLY PROMISE TO BE YOUR BEST FRIEND FOREVER ABD NEVER LEAVE YOU" I said in a posh accent. We both laughed and Harry got back on the ground and we were both out like a light. Before I went to bed I had closed my eyes tight and squeezed my necklace and whispered to myself "Please! Please never leave me Haz!"



I kinda like this chapter.. A lot. :) Hehe.. I'm I will try to update at least twice a day!! :) Follow me in Instagram @directionerforevss_ Oh & PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT TO SHOW LOVE!!! <3

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