Four: When You Dance With The Devil (The Devil gon' Dance With You)

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MattMcWise thank you as always 🥰😅
⚠️⚠️Content warning: SA, Puking, Violence(?) ⚠️⚠️

Peyton hadn't actually looked up from their phone yet as they said, "Perce, Dad called."

As fast as she possibly could, Annabeth scrambled off the table and threw on the first shirt she could find, which had been lying on the pans.

"Oh—okay, what did he want?" Percy slipped on his shorts right as Peyton looked up from their phone.

"What's going on here...?"

Annabeth didn't have an answer.

"He had something on his shirt." Annabeth lied. It was getting scary how easily she was able to do that. How it just rolled off her tongue like the truth would.

"The shirt you're wearing?" Peyton pushed.

"He didn't believe me so once he had it off—" She paused to think. "I put it on to show him."

"Where are your pants then?"

"I have shorts on." Annabeth shrugged.

"It looked like you guys were fucking or something," Peyton said with a curled eyebrow, chuckling slightly.

"You know I wouldn't do that to you. Besides, Percy might as well be my brother." Annabeth laughed, punching Percy's shoulder harder than she probably would have, had she not been terrified.

"Right." Peyton laughed more, the tension in the room slowly starting to fizzle out.

"Right!" Percy clapped Annabeth on the back harder than he probably meant to; maybe it was payback....

"Besides, I don't think I'd be able to handle that especially after the day I've had. This guy left the worst tip after sending his meal back like five times. We're a diner, nothing is going to taste authentic! Why on Earth would he order branzino at a diner?"

"Weird." Percy chuckled awkwardly.

"Beth, we're going out tonight, tell Peter, if you guys have a date, that you can't."

"Will do. Where are we going?"

"The club." Peyton smiled.

"What? I thought you hated the club?" Percy forced his way into the conversation.

"I'm so bored, and everyone else in this apartment is getting some, so I wanted some too."

"Don't push yourself into something you're uncomfortable with, P." Percy said, very overprotective-brother-like.

"Percy, come on, we all know at heart you're not a player and yet, how many different girls have you been with this past week? Five?"

"Right— but we're two different people, you and me. And that's fine." Percy urged, panic starting to show in his voice.

"Percy, Beth and I are going to the club, feel free to join us, just know that I am getting laid tonight."

Peyton walked off to their and Annabeth's room, and Annabeth nearly smacked Percy.

"That is why we can't go slow, Percy."

"You promised me we could talk about it after." Percy took her hand.

"I have to go get ready apparently." Annabeth rolled her eyes, acting annoyed despite the visible relief.

"We're not done talking about this." Annabeth looked up at him, gray eyes wide. Percy put a hand on Annabeth's shoulder. "I don't care how good you look in my shirt, we need to talk about this break."

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