Ten: Without You (I Don't Even Know Myself)

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The Last Chapter. It's been fun. I learned a lot, and I can't wait to tell you about a one shot called August that goes in between this book and the FTWB! Exclusive coverart by @Windbyfire!

Thank you as always, Matt MattMcWise, can't wait for the next one!

As always,

—Lex Feldz

Annabeth opened her eyes the next morning, feeling the weight of what she told Peyton the night before on her. She couldn't breathe. The feeling had her in a chokehold. (Not the fun kind)

Her head pounded as she got in the shower. What was she going to tell Percy?

After everything between Luke, the club, the initial break, was it worth it?

Annabeth's head couldn't stop pounding as she looked between Percy and Peyton. They looked so much alike, and yet they played two very different roles in her life. They both have black curly hair, Percy's eyes have more blue, while Peyton's eyes look like emeralds. People used to think they were twins when they were all younger; always in sync, and having the same mannerisms. It wasn't hard to see why they were both drawn to her, and vice versa.

Annabeth wished she didn't have to choose. If Annabeth was being honest, she'd rather run away with Percy and forget about the real world. Forget about her family in New York, forget about everything before Percy.

Percy is all consuming. When he smiles, she can feel it, when he cares about her, it's unlike anything she's ever felt before. The feeling of all encompassing, never dying, love, and it's all for her. All hers to relish and drown in.

His hands are those of an artist, delicate, and precise in each action and movement. Even when his adhd takes a hold, his hands are tapping to the beat of his heart. He walks with a destination. He loves with intent, with purpose, with sincerity. He loves with his whole being.

Peyton never knows what they're doing. Never knows where they're going, or why. They like to figure it out as they go. They love everybody and nobody all at once.

Annabeth has spent her life taking note of the differences between the two of them. How Percy can be so carefree and yet care so much about her and what he's doing. Peyton, while also carefree, genuinely lacked the fire Percy has when it comes to loving, and understanding how to love another person. What Peyton called 'Percy's Whore Phase' was Percy learning how to understand another person, and learning what a relationship takes.

"Hey, Perce, when you get the chance, can we talk?" Annabeth asked, not looking up from her bowl.

"Y-Yeah, of course, is everything okay?" He stuttered, rubbing his black eye.

Annabeth looked up finally and felt the tears forming. She held them back until she was alone with him.

Percy closed the door and Annabeth was on him. Her hands holding his face, memorizing every edge and crevasse he had.

"I love you." He said, smiling as she pulled away. "What did you want to talk about?"

"I don't know how much you heard between Peyton and me last night in the car...." Annabeth trailed off.

"Well." He put a hand on his chin like he was thinking, running his fingers against the stubble that had grown since he didn't shave the night prior. "I remember getting punched in the face, being saved by a blonde goddess and then waking up to my face hurting like shit." He leaned against the door, drinking her in. "Why, Love?" He slipped a hand down her back and into the top of her pants, bringing her flush against him. He wasn't making this easy.

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