Six: We Held Darkness in Witheld Clouds

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MattMcWise thank you as always 😌

Peyton was asleep in the back, having taken the back of the Prius for that purpose. They were buried under a blanket and jackets but Annabeth was all too aware of how close Percy was in the driver's seat to her and how his hand was just right there for the grabbing.

Right before he could give in to his temptation she used her hand to turn up the song on the playlist.

"So...." He trailed off, looking at her, her hair glowing in the sun that shone through the windows of the Prius.

"What's up?"

"That guy? From— from a couple weeks ago?"


"Who— uh, who was he?"

"His name's Luke." Was all she said, before putting in headphones signifying the end of the conversation.

Percy suddenly felt the urge to hold her hand dissipate.


Around two hours in, despite leaving at nine in the morning, the height of morning rush hour, they surprisingly hit even more traffic. Percy felt himself getting antsy; he either needed a good fucking, since someone (him) gave him blue balls, or he needed to eat something. (Or Annabeth)

He kept looking over at her, trying to figure out what he did wrong between now and last night. Since last night she wanted nothing but him, and he's only been trying to make casual conversation that involved her and things involving her life.

"Did I do something?" He gave in, and Annabeth didn't even look up from her lap. "Beth?" He tried. "Beth!?" He tried a little louder. "Annabeth?" He nudged her.

Annabeth snorted and looked up at him with disdain in her eyes. "What!?"

"Did I do something?"


"You've been so quiet. And that usually means bad things."

"Percy, I was asleep."

"Oh, I'm sorry, baby, go back to sleep."

"Well, I'm up now." She chuckled light heartedly.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired."

"I can see that." He focused on the road and getting around the slow vehicle in his way. "Are we okay?"

"Yeah, Perce, we're good—unless— unless you don't think we are?"

"I just missed you, I guess."

"You were the one who put 'the break' on us."

"I know, and I can still miss you, Beth. I love you." He held his hand out for her to take and she took it, entangling their fingers like puzzle pieces fitting together to be whole.

"Maybe we can stop and you can show me just how much you love me." She squeezed his hand.

"Don't tempt me, Beth. We have Peyton in the back."

Annabeth peered back to where Peyton was laying on their side, headphones in their ears.

"They're sleep still so I think it's okay...." She trailed off.

"No, Beth," Percy laughed.

"Fine." She crossed her arms and sank down in the chair.

"Don't make that face." He groaned.

"Why...? Does something?"

"No, Beth, I just don't like seeing you upset." He said it like it was obvious.

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