Five: Don't Mind Me (I'm Just Feeling Kind of Broken)

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(Thank you 🥰🥰)
Percy rushed to get them all home as fast as he could, his hand throbbing from punching a face yet itching to hold Annabeth's. Did she know that guy? He supposes that guys don't always need to know the girls to assault them; they just do as they please.


The following two weeks went by like water torture for Annabeth. She couldn't be with Percy until she passed Luke's class. On the one hand, it was the worst thing she had to endure, but on the other, Percy's break may have been a blessing in disguise since she wasn't cheating on him at that point. It was just her feeling disgusted with herself until the next time she saw him, and the cycle repeated.

Then she would come home and see Percy looking adorable on the couch and have to keep to herself. All she wants is to just sit on his lap and kiss him senselessly, run her fingers through his hair and tell him he's all she wants and needs in life despite how untrue it might be.

She wants to be an architect and can't do that if she fails her classes.

Annabeth just needed to make it to winter session, where she would be able to go home and be tortured by a familiar devil.

"Beth." Peyton whined from her hangover cure of pillows stacked over their head.

"What? Annabeth mocked Peyton's moan.

"I was thinking after you get me some water, I wanted to know if you wanted to come to Vermont for the winter session?"

"I— I don't know. Is Percy okay with it?"

"Why would you care what Percy wants? I want you to come; I don't think I can face my Dad without you."

"Are you sure?"

"Water please?"

Annabeth rushed to the kitchen, and it was like deja vu; she walked in and found a shirtless

Percy smirked at her.

"What's the face for?"

"I just— this whole— uhm—" She cut herself off.

"What?" He smiled knowingly. He was teasing her....

"Don't do that." She rolled her eyes.

"I'm not doing anything. Water?" He smiled charmingly.

"I'll get it myself, thank you."

Their kitchen was even smaller than the Jackson's. Hence, there was no going around anybody without knocking into them, forget Percy not even attempting to move out of the way as
Annabeth crashed into him.

"I don't know what you're game is, Percy, but it's not fair." She said without looking at him.
He was instantly behind her, playing with her ponytail and pressing light kisses against the base of her neck.

"I have no game, Beth." He said between kisses along her shoulders.

"Then— then what are you doing?"

"Reconsidering I suppose."

Annabeth turned to bring Peyton the water when she came face to face with him. His head tilted down to look at her, and her head drawn upward, examining his jaw and the scruff he had somehow grown throughout their time apart. Without thinking, she ran her hand against his jawline.

"Rethinking what?" She whispered.

"This break." He whispered, starting to lean in.

"That reminds me, actually." She looked down and away, unsure why, but she figured if she kissed him now, Peyton would definitely find out. "Peyton just asked me to come to Vermont with you guys."

"Oh?" Percy ran a hand from her shoulder to her hand that was tightly gripping the water. "What did you tell them?"

"I said yes."

"Go bring them the water." Percy smirked.


Annabeth left the room and found Percy sitting on the counter, waiting.

"How are they?"

"Asleep on their side."

"Good." Percy hopped off the counter and dragged Annabeth into his space to kiss her.
A tight battle of mouths, who could latch onto the other faster and harder. Percy's hands were relentless as they played with the hem of Annabeth's pants.

He went to remove her underwear but found none.


"I told you, you'd want to be my boyfriend." She smiled. Percy could hardly contain himself as he ran his hand through her folds, making Annabeth arch her back and press their chests together.

Annabeth's hands wrapped around his neck as she dipped her head to rest on his chest. It may have only been a couple of days, but it was far too long to go without Percy's hands on her, all over her, in her.

Percy hiked her up on his hips, setting her down on the counter to kiss her slowly.

"We have to be quiet." Percy chided, trying not to laugh.

"I know." Annabeth rolled her eyes.

"Can you be quiet?"

"Depends on what you're gonna do...." She looked at him precariously.

"What I do best." He hooked a finger into her and used his other hand to clamp a hand over her mouth. Her head hit the cabinet with a thud. "Sorry." He winced before continuing.

As he curled a finger in her, he added another, and another, curling and twisting, edging her on until she gave him a look, at which point he kissed her and picked up the speed.

Annabeth burst into his hand, leaving it with a slick, sticky coating that he licked off, making her shiver at sight, and left her panting, wanting more.

'That—" Annabeth tried to kiss him again and maybe get to actually fuck him, but he pulled away.

"Perce—" She whined, almost like a petulant child.

"Goodnight, Beth."

"We didn't finish talking about Vermont."

"Well, what did you say to P?"

"That I would go."

"I guess we're all going to Vermont for the winter session then." Percy closed his door with that.

"I guess we're all going to Vermont," Annabeth said to herself, helplessly grinning.


Annabeth spent the night packing. She didn't bother telling her family she wasn't going back home for the winter session; they were probably already on their flight to Aruba or wherever they were headed without considering her.

Peyton woke her up by blasting their music while getting into clean sweatpants and a hoodie so they could sleep in the car.

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