Eight: Just Like The World is Ending

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MattMcWise  thank you for everything as always my friend!!! ❤️🥹

"And the right one is your accelerator." Matt finished. "Okay, who can give me a rundown of what I just said?"

"Annabeth can." Percy said.


"You use both hands to steer but the right handle has the throttle which makes the mobile go."

"Very good. Did everyone catch that?"

There were shuffling sounds of people nodding and just wanting to get going on the tour.

"Is everyone comfortable?' Matt asked. There were a couple of murmurs from the rest of the people.

Snowmobile tours were a lot more private than Annabeth thought they would be. It was her, Peyton, Percy, like a divorced dad with his kids and one other couple. Annabeth wasn't sure if they were a couple at first, but when one of the guys kissed his boyfriend's nose, she assumed. (And wished Percy could do that with her right now)

Percy revved his engine before his test lap around the building, where they had to watch an instructional video. Peyton seemed like a natural, standing up and somehow popping wheelies, if that's even what you can call it on a snowmobile. (Since it has no wheels.)


Annabeth couldn't see much out of her helmet, but there wasn't much to look at besides nature and a couple of deer. Annabeth could see Percy's adorably cute nose in one of the mirrors on the snowmobile, and all she wanted to do was kiss his cute little nose and warm him up.

It had rained overnight, making the snow icy and even more dangerous than it would have been without the ice coating it.

Peyton was behind Percy and had fallen between the couple and one of the divorced dad's kids. Technically that wasn't supposed to happen, but Matt didn't seem to care.

The path was riddled with mud splotches that Annabeth felt bad for going through since it seemed like it was splashing Percy in the face with mud, but he looked spotless every time she checked him out in her mirrors.

At the halfway point, a bunch of people went to the bathroom, and Matt said they had to make a sharp left U-turn to continue on the path. Matt had Annabeth go first after watching him turn his mobile around.

Annabeth felt confident despite how close to a tree she was getting as she turned.

"Add more speed so you don't hit the tree!" Matt called.

Annabeth did as she was told but gave it too much speed, and the snowmobile flew out from under her and flipped after hitting the tree she was trying to avoid.

Her neck hurt as her head slammed against the ice; all she could think was how everyone just watched her wipe out, not the sea-green eyes suddenly hovering over her and the strong arms making sure she was okay.

"Annabeth, oh my god, are you okay?" He held her in his lap and shoved their helmets off to look at her face.

"Yeah, yeah, I— I'm fine, are you okay?" She rested a bruised hand on his cheek.

"Can you stand up?"

Annabeth suddenly realized how out in the open they were. Not to mention that Peyton could see them.

"Yeah, Perce, I— I'm fine." She cleared her throat before standing up a little shakily.

"Epic trick, Annabeth." Matt said, turning her snowmobile upright in the riding position.

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