03 - A simple message

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After that painstakingly long Thursday, Friday was around the corner. The sun was shining brightly, so bright that it was brighter than my future. I crawled out of my house as if I had hibernated throughout the winter and spring was shining through the bitter coldness.

I stared at the horizon as I walked down the street to the train station, feeling at ease. As people walked in and out, the train arrived with a burst of invading energy from all fires. I quickly grabbed a seat as I plugged in my headphones, enjoying the same scenery again and again. It never gets old.


The school was deserted by the time I arrived. I looked at my phone as it read7:30 am. Not many people arrive around this time, but I enjoy the peace before chaos is unleashed in 30 minutes. As the sun played with the clouds, I strolled beneath the shaded area. I sighed as I made my way to the library's corridor.

It was eerie quiet as my footsteps echoed into each corner of the area. After settling into the far distance of the corridor, I pulled out a novel and started to skim through the pages. It's a thriller about how a girl was kidnapped, and after that incident, she became mute due to the trauma that was placed upon her. It was fascinating to see how the writer composed this piece of work. However, the plot has drawn me in, and I'm slowly dissolving into the book and forgetting about the world that I'm living in.

The slow rise of chatter slowly surrounded me as more students arrived.

A simple click as everyone climbed the stairs.


"Hey! Do you know what class we have next?" Charlie asked, "We have English next." She sighed as I laughed. The third period is either completely or partially devoted to work. I strolled outside the building until someone called me. I saw him again in the distance; why do I keep finding myself in his company? Frustrated, I turned away and walked in the other direction. Suddenly I heard the voice again, and I swiftly turned around to be facing him again. Was he trying to get my attention?

Yeah, he's literally calling your name, I said, fighting the urge to scream.

"Are you good at poetry?" He asked curiously. "Uh," I said while laughing nervously. "Yeah, I guess," I told him. He posed as he imagined. "Why do you inquire?" he asked, surprised, and admitted that he was curious if anyone else was good at it. "I just write poems occasionally," I added. Little did I know he was gifted with such fluidity and rhythm in that area.

In English class, we were assigned to choose a topic to write a poem about that related to school. My eyes gazed in his direction; he was sitting near the wall, where no light was able to shine through. However, a subtle slit of light shined behind him, creating warmth and a feeling that I couldn't comprehend.
His sunburnt eyes were transfixed on an empty page. His gaze trailed in my direction.


I looked away as I furiously started to write.

The lesson was over before I knew it, as everyone lingered near the door.

I sighed as I moved on to the next period.

The day went by quickly as I wandered into the train station. Everyone was lurking behind me, walking ever so slightly as I boarded the train. The scene shifted quickly. I was sitting in the corner of the train, reminiscing about my day. I was fine until I felt compelled to check my email. My intuition surprised me as I read:

08:44: Are you good at poetry?



I apologise for not uploading for a while since I had to attend my dreaded exams ಥ_ಥ. This chapter is pretty short (I lost inspiration on this part), but I have other interesting ideas for the next.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for next time!

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