Chapter Sixty Nine - Accompany for a lifetime

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The top team means that others poured a basin of dirty water on them and took out the report directly. In the case that others did not move, even if they took out the report, it was not allowed that someone would jump out immediately. Whether the report was fake or not, the dirty water was already on their body. No matter how much it was washed, it would Some people don't believe it.

And it will continue to turn over the old books. Even if public opinion is suppressed, there is basically no benefit for the top class, and maybe some passers-by will be lost.

After all, this is a network of public opinion that guides everything.

I was going to find someone else. Let's cooperate, but after a little look, I found that there were really not many clean ones in it. Don't cooperate. I have too much dirty water on my body.

Suddenly, someone in the team mentioned Wen Sheng and others, which was not considered, but then someone said who the person behind Wensheng Company was not ordinary people.

The company signed by Wen Shengxin can be said to be quite low-key. If you don't investigate, it is difficult to know who is behind them. Whether it is artists or people inside the company, they are quite low-key.

Someone happened to know the general manager, so he contacted each other.

If you can cooperate with Wensheng Company, it can be said that the benefits are very great.

Originally, I was still wondering if the other party would refuse, but now I sit together and see what Boss Wen Sheng means, and I seem to be very interested.

It was not Yu Yan who talked about the matter. Yu Yan just listened. It was the general manager who docked with the other party's team. The food came up. Yu Yan bowed his head to eat and occasionally looked up. He heard it.

He trusts the general manager. After all, he is the person his husband is looking for. He believes that the other party can measure gains and losses.

Yu Yang came more with an interesting psychology, and the general manager needed to consider more.

A condition was put forward there. Naturally, it was not, and there was something else. Among them, there was one for Wen Sheng. It happened that Dingliu was going to join the group recently. In a movie, the director was not very famous, but he was very strong. The top of the script was seen. If you don't say it, he would definitely win the prize after the performance. If there was no accident, it would be popular. It's mostly okay.

There are some characters that need to be replaced recently, because those actors have something wrong and need to be replaced. It happens that Wen Sheng is more suitable for one of the characters. The top of that character can be introduced here.

The top team leader suddenly mentioned another one, and it was even okay to add a role temporarily. When he said this, the other party looked at Yu Yan.

Yu Yan found that the surroundings were quiet and looked up and saw the person in charge of the other party staring at him.

"Give me the character?" This is the subtext, and Yu Yan heard it directly.

"Yes, if Yu Shao has time, if he wants to."

"Let's not. Don't disturb the shooting rhythm casually. If you add a character to it, let people know. Will you directly say that I brought capital into the group?"

Yu Yan has never participated in acting, but he still knows such a thing.


Yu Yan suddenly smiled: "The role of passerby A or something, that kind of person with no play, is okay to be a background board. Don't give it a role."

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