Chapter Sixty One - That circle

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Yu Yan went upstairs. When he went there, he mentioned it to the general manager. He didn't tell anyone else in the company that there were new employees. Yu Yan had been away for a few months. Now he came over and found that the company had a lot of new faces.

Many of those new faces don't know Yu Yan. When they saw Yu Yan coming, they also brought two baby nurses. They thought they had come to the company to apply again, but looking at Yu Yan's face, was the artist who came to sign the contract?

But there are only two children so young, I'm afraid it's not very good.

As a result, I accidentally saw Yu Yan go directly to the general manager's office, and some employees were a little curious.

But they still have jobs, so they don't stare at them.

Yu Yan arrived at the office. The space was very large, but the layout was quite simple.

The manager sat behind his desk. After coming to the company, he didn't meet the boss. Instead, he heard that he was a very young man and Feng Chen's wife, but he didn't see each other.

It's just that when Yu Yan suddenly came in, he knocked on the door. The manager said that a few people came in outside the door. When the general manager saw that the young man still had two children, he did not need to introduce the other party. Almost immediately, the manager knew who the other party was from the youthful demity and the face.

Get up from the position immediately and walk outside.

"Shao Yu." I know Yu Yan's name, but I haven't seen anyone.

Yu Yan looked at the employees in front of him. He looked in his thirties. He was a very capable person with extremely bright eyes. When he stared at people, his eyes were very firm and did not flash at all.

The person Feng Chen found for him seems to be quite excellent.

"I didn't bother you at work, did I?" Yu Yan asked first.

"No, I'm not very busy these two days." In fact, I'm very busy, but no matter how busy I am, I will have time to face the boss.

"I'll come and have a look. I don't know much about the company, and you have to pay more attention."

"You don't worry, you can handle it." These things are all trivial things. With Feng Chen, the richest man in Ningbei, it can almost be said that even if it is a little difficult, it will immediately become smooth.

When he was introduced to this company, the general manager was actually quite surprised. There are too many new entertainment companies, many of which are leather and bag companies, and they will be crossed in two days.

The general manager thought so, but who would have thought that many people behind the company were actually Feng Chen.

Feng Chen met him and didn't have much, but he promised that no one would casually hinder the general manager in this company, and his ability could be best reflected here.

But on this point, the general manager doesn't have much requirements. Money is the second. He wants to do something through his own efforts.

In a few months, the company has gradually become more and more people.

I heard something, that is, Yu Yan came back. Something seemed to have happened more than half a year ago. There are different opinions on the specific things, and there are many versions circulating, but there is no doubt that Feng Chen loves this person very much.

Seeing people now, just seeing each other's faces, the general manager seems to understand why the richest man in Ningbei is fascinated by this person.

It's not just because of his face, but also the temperament around him is difficult to replicate.

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