Second Date

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It's the next day and I am so excited to see Jason again. I hear a ding on my phone and I see Jason text me.
Jason: hey I am so excited to see you tonight. I will pick you up at your house at 6:30
Me: Great! I am so excited to!
Jason: If I were you I would bring a suit and pajamas.
Me: I will!

I am so excited!!!!!

Time skip........

I just got finished getting ready and I am wearing a low cut dress and it's longer and I straightened my hair. Then my phoned dinged and it was Jason.
Jason: Hey, so excited for tonight. I am almost there.
Me: Great!

Time skip...........

Jason's car just pulled up and I am so excited but nervous at the same time. I came out and he said " Hey! You look pretty!" " Thanks!" I said. I got in the car and I said that I was so excited for tonight. We got to the dinner spot and we sat down and got some wine. Then we ordered food and we were talking about our lives and then he asked me " I know this is only our second date but do you want to stay the night at my house?" " Yes of course! I brought my pajamas and my suit!" I said. He said great and our food came and we were eating.

then the bill came and I told him I would pay for half  and he told me no and that he is taking me out. I felt bad but I didn't want it fight with him. So we paid and left and we got into his car and drove to his house.

Mine ( Jason Oppenheimeim) Where stories live. Discover now