His House

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When we got to his house I was in shock ( it was the house in selling sunset in the first season that they built. He bought it after 5th season) I said "I love your house!" "Thanks" he said.

He showed me around and then he asked me if I wanted a drink and I said sure. Then it happened he leaned in and we kissed. We didn't stop until about a minute. Then he said if I wanted to change into my suit and I said yes. So to spice things up a bit I changed right in front of him and he was in awe.

" damn girl!!" He said then I said thank you baby. Then he changed into his suit and we went into the pool. He jumped into the pool and I jumped in the pool after him. I swam up to him and I wrapped my legs around his torso and he kissed my neck. Then he said " I know that we have only been talking for a day but do you want to be my girlfriend?" Then I said " Of course!!" Then I kissed him.

Then we broke then kiss and I asked him " do you think people will hate us for the 20 year age gap?" " No" he said " Do you not want to date me because of the age gap." He said said again. Then am I said " No. I just don't want you to get any hate." " I don't care what anybody else thinks. As long as we are happy." He said. " Great! Just asking." I said.

Then we kissed and then kissed down my neckline and then we stopped and got out and got changed. We kissed again and he lifted me up on the table and we started kissing. Then he lifted me up and carried me to the bed and we you know. Then we went to bed. We snuggled together and we told each other that we loved each other and went to bed.

Mine ( Jason Oppenheimeim) Where stories live. Discover now