Meeting my family

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Then the next day I told Jason that tonight we were going to meet my parents and siblings. That day we moved all of my clothes into the bigger closet in our room in the house.

We got ready and I could tell that Jason was really nervous to meet my family but I knew he was going to love them and they were going to love him.

We got to my house and we came in the house and my older brothers and my twin brother and my younger brother and my youngest twin brothers met Jason and they were very nice to him. Then he met my mom and my mom loved him. Then he met my dad and my dad is very Greek and traditional so Jason was very nervous but he liked him.

Then me and Jason were talking about how we are dating and how we moved in together. Two things my parents were worried about was how fast we were moving. We told them that it was nothing to worry about and that we were just madly in love. The last thing that they were worried about was the age gap. We told them that she does not matter and Jason said that I keep him young and he feels more motivated to get married and have kids.

After we talked to then about this stuff they felt much more confident about this relationship.

So Jason went to the car and I told him I would come to the car in a second. I talked to my parents and they told me that they loved him and that they were super excited that I found him instead of some terrible guy.

So I got into the car and I told Jason that they live him and he was relieved. As we were driving home Jason told me that tomorrow we were meeting his parents and his brother and his girlfriend. Then the next day we are hosting a party for the office.

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