Christmas day

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It has been a couple of weeks and now it is Christmas. I woke up early just so that I could make breakfast. We ate breakfast and know we are opening presents. Jason got me nice jewelry which I love and I got Jason some things but the things I think he loves is I got some lingerie which he loves.

So after we opened gifts we got changed and went to the pool. Jason poured us two glasses of champagne and he handed me one and he got in the pool and then I got in and I went over to Jason and I wrapped my legs around his torso and we kissed and he went down to the neck.

We had fun in the pool but then we got out and we had lunch. After lunch is when the real fun began. We wanted to have a early dinner so we started and then we finished. We at dinner and then me and Jason went upstairs and I got some clothes and changed.

I got in the room and Jason and I started kissing and the kissing got more deeper. Jason clothes were already off and he took of his shirt I was wearing and I was wearing the lingerie and he was stunned then I said "like what you see?" Then he said " yes"
So we kept on kissing and then we went to bed.

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