My birthday

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My birthday is January 30th. It is January 21st and Jason is taking me on a surprise trip.
Time skip....
It is the same day but know we are getting on our plane and I was super excited. We got on and the flight was super long so I slept and I woke up to arms around me. The arms were Jason's and we only had a couple more hours until we land.
Time skip.........

We just landed and I still didn't know where we were. We got off and I knew right away. We were in Greece! I was so excited that I gave Jason and big hug. I was born in America but I am an 1st generation American. I used to go to Greece every summer to visit my family. We got in the car and Jason told me that we are staying at a house. I am so excited for this trip.
Time skip.....

Today is January 30th, my birthday. I woke up and it was just me in the bed. I went downstairs and Jason has all of his presents and breakfast. He saw me and he team up to me and picked me up and said " Happy 25th birthday baby!" Then I said " thank you baby!"
Then he said " do you want to open presents?" Then I said " sure!" I opened presents and he got me a ton of jewelry but the one I love the most is Jason got me  one of those necklaces that has the big letter on it. But it does not have a S and it has a J on it for Jason. Then we had breakfast. Then there is a pool at the house so we went in and we were in the pool all day. Talking and then we kissed a lot.

Now it is time for dinner and I am wearing a short dress and I think Jason loves it.
Now we are at the restaurant and we sat down.
Time skip....
Dinner was so much fun and now we are home and know we are getting in the pool again. Jason got in the pool and then I got in and I swam over to Jason and I wrapped my legs around his torso. Jason said " Happy birthday baby. I love you so much and I hope you have had the best day!" Then I said " I love you too baby! I have had the best day and know that you are in my life everything is better!" Then me and Jason started kissing and we got out of the pool and we went to the couch.
After we were kissing we went to bed.

Mine ( Jason Oppenheimeim) Where stories live. Discover now