The fight

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We just finished cleaning up and I said " can I talk to you about something?" Then he said " yes of course." Then I said what happened between me and Christine. Then he said it is not a big deal and that she is just mad about not working at the office anymore. Then I said " so you don't agree that she was being mean to me. I mean you don't care about your girlfriend?" Then he said " of course I care about you it's just I don't think we should worry about her." Then I started getting mad and I said " I know that if someone was being rude to you I would stand up to you. I just think that it is stupid that I care about you so much and I would stand up for you anytime and you would not stand up for me for a girl who used to work in your office. I am going to sleep in an other room tonight. Goodnight."
The next morning......
I woke up in the other bed and I went down to make breakfast. I got down there and Jason made pancakes and got me some of my favorite flowers. He said " before you say anything I am super sorry for what happened last night. I will talk to Christine and that was not appropriate what she said to you. Last night was the worst without you I could not sleep. So will you please forgive me?" Then I said " of  course I will baby. I missed you too." Then we kissed and everything was well.

Mine ( Jason Oppenheimeim) Where stories live. Discover now