That morning

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I woke up that morning and Jason was still sleeping and was just in my underwear and bra so I went into Jason's closet and grabbed one of his shirts and put it on and went out into the kitchen and I went to make breakfast. While I was making pancakes and bacon and eggs I felt big hands wrap around me and it was Jason and I turned around and we kissed. He said that that shirt looked great on me and then he said thanks for making us breakfast. " your welcome" I said.

After I finished making breakfast and we sat down at the table. We held hands and he asked me a big question. He said " I know we just started dating but will you move in with me? But before you say anything I know we might be moving fast but I love you so much and I don't want to spend another second without you." " I would love to live with you. I was thinking the same exact thing that even if this might be going to fast we might miss the opening."  I said.

Then I said " I think that this week we should meet with each of our families just so they know that we are serious." " I think that that is a great idea." He said.

Then for the rest of the morning we layed around and kissed and then we got into the pool for the rest of the day.

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