Meeting his parents

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It was the next day and I was super nervous. I was meeting Jason's parents and his brother. He told me it was going to be ok and they were going to love me.

Time skip.....

We are about to leave and Jason noticed that I was a little nervous " what's wrong baby?" He said " nothing. I am just a little nervous about meeting your family. What if they don't like me?" I said " For one they will love you. Second there is nothing to worry about my brother and parents are fine with the age gap." He said " ok. That makes me feel better." I said " love you" he said " love you too." I said. Then we got to the car and went to his parents house.

We got to his house and Jason got out of the car and opened the door for me. We walked in and everyone was at the door waiting for us. Jason said " Hi everyone this is my girlfriend. Her name is Sophia." Then I said " Hi guys I am so excited to meet you all."  Then Jason's dad gave me a hug and said " welcome to the family." Then Jason's mom gave me a big hug and said " I am so excited that Jason has found the right girl!" Then Jason's brother Brett gave me a hug and said " welcome to the family. I hope Jason treats you well."

The dinner went really well and I heard a lot of stories about Jason and how crazy he was. It was the best night and Jason's family was so sweet and I am so excited to do more things with them.

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