A Wonderland of Lies

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"Pyro.. I need you to take off the mask." Engineer said in the calmest way possible. The Pyro was twitching a bit more than it was before now, and it started clawing at its eye. It's as if something was stuck in it.

"Mm mm." it shook its head no, trying to push Engineer away.

The room the two were in was an old medical ward. It had a resupply cabinet full of old medicine and dusty ammo crates. There was also a stiff cot and a flickering light, which was the only thing illuminating the dark room. Anything else in the room was either rusted, broken, or both.

"Pyro, it's for your own good, I swear! I'd never lie to you, not once in my life." he said, trying to coax the thing to take its mask off. He held its shoulder, as it sat on the unforgivingly rigid cot.

The Pyro tilted its head a bit, thinking. It then twitched violently again, and grasped at its eye.

Engineer had enough of this nonsense, and took things into his own hands. He removed The Pyro's mitts from its face and pulled the mask off of it. He looked down at the mask, tapping the eye lens. A bit of soot came out of it, and formed a small pile on the floor. He then looked up, to see a rather perplexed human.

It looked rather pale in the light, it's hair thin and translucent.. whatever was left of it, at least. It had a few hairs on its jaw and chin, but it didn't look masculine. It had a rather feminine look to it. It's mouth was slightly agape, as it looked around with grey-blue eyes. It then started to whimper, letting out tender sobs. It seemed overwhelmed with its surroundings, as it wiped crocodile tears from its eyes.

"W-wait, don't cry.." Engineer said in a soft voice, trying not to startle it anymore than it already was. But it was too late for that, as it held its head in its hands, crying in a soft, almost motherly weep. Engineer sat next to the Pyro, resting its head on his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to scare ya like that, I'm sorry if I upset you." he said, placing the mask back into the Pyro's hands.

It held the mask, with a tight grip. It then began to sob a bit louder, muffling itself in Engineer's shirt, holding him tightly. Engineer returned the embrace, gently petting the oddly soft hair of the Pyro.

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