Trip to Pyroland

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It'd been a few days since the incident. Pyro was left isolated in the room Engineer brought her to since no other merc was brave enough, or even wanted to be around her. Engineer was left to drown in his thoughts, with the random affirmation from the other mercs that he shouldn't be upset.

Days went past, battles were won and lost, but Pyro was nowhere to be seen. Spies were much more apparent now, but they were still dealt with the same way as before. No one seemed to even remember Pyro existed after a while, or that she was even on the team to begin with.

Isolation got her away from Engineer, but it also got her away from everyone she knew. With every battle fought, a new picture was made. The pictures became more and more nonsensical, some only being the mad ramblings of a psychotic.

The day had come.
The day of reckoning.
Pyroland was real, and she would make sure everyone would see so too.

"Scout, go check on Pyro." Medic instructed.

"Pyro? Ohhh yeah, forgot she was still here." He chuckled, walking over to her place of containment. As he got closer to the door, familiar cackling could be heard. He knocked on the door lightly, and opened it slowly.

"Hello..?" he said, peeping his head in. His entire body shivered as he saw what had happened to her. She was in a ball in the corner of the room, the foul stench of burnt vermin filled the air. A paper rose up with her hand, and she taped said paper to the wall. It was a balloonicorn with an uncannily human toothy smile.

Pyro whipped her head to look at Scout. She had a very wide grin on her face, almost not human ironically enough. Her giggling became a bit louder, as she grabbed him by his collar and closed the door. He screeched in terror, as she strapped a pair of goggles to his face.

"Soon enough... YOU'LL ALL BE HAPPY TOO!!!!" she cackled, as he started chuckling too. She ran to the door and opened it, forcing him out. He started to prance down the hallway in elation, before tripping and falling on a puddle.

The mercs got up from their game of hearts, and went to check on Scout. He got back up laughing a bit harder, and started running amok again.

"What did you do to her?" Sniper asked, looking at Engineer with a worried and concerned expression.

"I- I didn't do this, I swear!" he said, looking around for something to protect himself with.

Footsteps and the jangling of plastic came from the hallway to the Pyro's faux room. She had a look of twisted bliss on her face, as she wielded her mask in one hand, and a plethora of goggles in the other.

"Who's next?" she giggled, sprinting blindly in any direction.

Heavy balled a fist and tried to punch her as she pounced onto him. She dug her fingers into his skin, crawling onto his back. He yowled in pain, as she forced goggles tightly onto his face. She then jumped off of him, going for another merc.

Engineer observed Heavy, still wary of Pyro. He collapsed to the floor, breathing heavily. His breaths soon turned into guffaws, as he got back up and danced around the room.

Medic, Demoman, and Soldier were next on the chopping block. They conga'd out of the room like it was no one's business. Sniper, Spy, and Engineer were the last men standing.

Sniper saw something out of the corner of his eye, and quickly slashed at it with his Kukri. The person he hit wasn't Pyro, however.

"You... you got blood on my suit!" Spy scowled, holding his wounded shoulder.

"Sorry mate." Sniper apologized, taking off his hat in respect. Before he knew it, Pyro had snuck up behind him and strapped the goggles to his head. He tried to resist, but soon gave in, and started dancing around like a fool.

"Ugh... guess I have to do everything myself." Spy groaned, cloaking himself again. He tiptoed around Pyro, making sure not to make a peep. He didn't realize she had gotten a sixth sense for detecting Spies, as she grabbed at thin air, stuffing goggles onto it.

The choked and bloodied Frenchman fell to the floor, trying to detach the goggles from his cranium, but soon started giggling. He was acting like he was in a fool's paradise, waltzing the floors like it was his wedding.

Pyro snapped her head to look at Engineer. Her eyes were wide with joy, her cheeks getting purple with how wide her smile was. Her body was slightly tilted to the right, as if she were half dead. She soon started giggling that trademark giggle that was all too familiar.

He was surrounded by a psychotic and her goons who were forced into a faux euphoria. He started hyperventilating as her laugher became more chaotic, and his only choice now was to run.

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