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The Administrator sat in front of her wide array of screens. The scenery seemed different. Everything looked like it were a different hue.

"Pauling, I wasn't born yesterday. I know you switched what teams the cameras were on." The Administrator said bluntly, as Ms. Pauling walked in.

"Yes, but now you don't have to see Pyro's face anymore!" Ms. Pauling said, trying to justify what she did.

The Administrator looked back at the screens, and peeked at the new team's Pyro. It had its mask on, and it never seemed to be taken off either. A wide smile came across her face.

"Good. I think this will work perfectly." The Administrator said, watching the cameras closely.

Ms. Pauling slowly and quietly exited the room, and quickly drove off on her scooter. She soon arrived near an unsuspecting rock. It was near a pit of gravel, which had a shovel stuck in it. She slowly walked around, holding a paper bag. Without looking, she tripped over a pebble, but before she could fall into the gravel, a black gloved hand grabbed her.

"Don't fall. It'll lead to injury." a familiar voice said. Ms. Pauling looked behind her and saw it was Pyro.

"Oh, good you made it." she sighed in relief.

"Mhm! You told me to meet you here every so often, so I do just that." she said feeling a bit proud of herself.

"Here's your meds, had to do some tricky work to get 'em. Hope it helps!" Ms. Pauling said, hurriedly giving her the bag and running off, making sure not to trip over the pebble.

Pyro waved to her, and walked back to the base, catching herself before she tripped on the same pebble. She looked down at the rock, and picked it up.

"You're quite a menace, aren't ya!" she chuckled, before putting it into a pocket. She continued to the base, where the team was scrubbing the walls and floors. She walked past all of them, and made her way back to the medical room she and Engineer stayed in.

"Whatcha got there?" Engineer asked her, taping a picture on the wall of pictures.

"Psych meds I'd presume.. dunno yet!" Pyro responded, walking to the cot. She opened the bag and took out a small bottle with the label ripped off.

"Here's to hoping these work." she muttered, taking the dosage quickly scribbled on the bag. She felt indifferent, but knew that it was better than taking nothing. She then took out the rock in her pocket and looked at it.

"I think I'm going to name you Jeremy." she chuckled, putting the rock by the art wall. She admired the different art she and Engineer made. Engineer had busied himself with updating his machines since it'd been a while due to events out of his control, so he couldn't admire them with her.

Pyro placed the rock by the paper pile, and looked back at the pictures. The one that caught her eye was the picture of the team being happy. She smiled, knowing that it'd probably never be a reality, but at the same time, maybe it was for the better.

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