Trials and Tribulations

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Ms. Pauling took small steps across the road, afraid she'd do something wrong. This was all new to her, and it was terrifying.

"Aww, is someone feeling down?" a deep voice bellowed.

"Wh- Who said that?!" Ms. Pauling stopped, looking around frantically.

"It was me, silly! I'm the Rainbow Road, and I lead to the Plushie Forest." the road explained, a small pair of eyes and a mouth appearing on it.

"I uhm.. I'm just a bit nervous. Nothing too serious, really. I can deal with it on my own." Ms. Pauling explained, reassuring herself.

"You can trust me, I'm your friend! Do you have a best friend?" the road asked as if it were in a children's show.

"Uhh-" Ms. Pauling wondered, before being interrupted by the road.

"Great! I have a best friend too. You wanna know who that is? It's you! You're my best friend ever!" it said, a wide smile growing on it.

Ms. Pauling nodded, quickly walking across the rest of the bridge. She soon got to the forest, and looked at the trees. They all looked practically the same, all having two burl eyes, a long stick nose, and a knot mouth. Plushies were running around in any direction, sometimes running into the trees or into other plushies. Ms. Pauling tried to ignore them, but they kept bumping into her legs.

A purple and yellow penguin plush ran into Ms. Pauling's leg and fell backwards.

"Oof! Whoopsie daisy, sorry about that miss!" it peeped.

"Oh, no no it's alright, really" she said to the penguin.

"Really? Hot dog! You're so nice! We can be friends forever!" it squealed, hugging her leg.

Ms. Pauling laughed lightly, trying to get it off of her. Other plushies saw her, and came running over to her.

"Yay!!! New forest friend!" the plushies cheered, hugging her legs.

"Hey, could you guys please get off of me?" she asked, now being a bit more forceful with trying to get them off of her.

"New friend! New friend! New friend! Yayyyy!!!!" they cheered, hugging and dancing around her. She tried to keep her cool, but it was getting quickly annoying.

"Can.. can you guys please let me go?" she asked, starting to lose her footing.

"Let you go? But you're just gonna run away like the Big Meanie!" a purple and blue leopard piped up.

"BIG MEANIE?!" the other plushies cried in unison. They then started running around, waving their arms in the air, and screaming like adolescent girls at a boy band concert.

"Who's the Big Meanie?" Ms. Pauling asked, starting to get a headache.

"T-t-the big meanie is this super scary guy! He has a patchy beard, and- and- and- and REALLY SHORT HAIR!!" a pink fox explained.

The plushies all ran and hid, hearing a familiar cackle.

"She's coming!" one of them whisper screamed at Ms. Pauling. She was just glad she could finally leave this place.

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