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"heheh.. nice." a hushed voice giggled. It was around midnight at this point, and everyone was asleep. Besides one sneaky sleazy little b-

"hm..?" Pyro rubbed her eyes, and sat up. Her eyes widened at the sight of a now-stopped Scout who was comically tip-toeing away with her mask in hand.

"Oh no-" he said quietly, before running off with it.

Pyro got off the stiff cot and started chasing the brat. She didn't realize it at the time, but she had also tapped the Engineer on accident. He got up and fixed his goggles onto his face and looked around.

"Pyro...?" he tapped the other side of the cot, feeling nothing but the unforgiving hardness of the cot. He then saw the door was open and hurriedly got up and started out the door, searching around for her.

"Get back here you good-for-nothing mutt!" she growled through clenched teeth, taking out her flare gun. She shot one at Scout, but he dodged it by a hair, and kept running. She stomped out the flare, and continued on.

"Pyro, where are you?" Engineer called out, a bit worried. The other mercenaries were awoken by the commotion, and started to group up where the most noise was coming from.

Scout then tripped over his own feet, falling onto the floor. Pyro pounced onto him, pinning him down with a firm grasp. The mercs were confused, standing in a wide circle around the two.

Pyro looked down at the man child, grunting and out of breath. "You thought you were slick. Trying to take my mask, like it'd be that easy. I'm not as much of a klutz as you are with your belongings, twit. I care about what I have, unlike you. You stole my identity, my life even... so in return, I'll just have to take yours." she said between heavy breaths, taking out an axe and raising it up above her head, cackling maniacally while she observed the petrified lad instinctively cover his face.

"Pyro!" Engineer gasped, running over to her, grabbing the belly of the fire axe. She slowly turned her head around to look at Engineer.

"why did you stop me." she said in a rather upset tone.

"I.. I can't let you just kill him! He's a part of the team, we need him around." he tried to explain, giving hardly noticeable hints to Scout for him to flee while he could.

Scout noticed, and slid out from under Pyro, running for the hills.

"That brat!" Pyro looked back, and got up, throwing the axe down. She then started chasing Scout like a feral animal.

Engineer fell with the axe at the sudden motion. He sat up and looked at the team, who seemed almost unfazed by what happened. "Y'all just sat around like a herd of lazy hogs stuck in glue traps doin' nothing to help him?" he asked, with obvious frustration.

"Well, I didn't wanna get involved in that mess. I'm not risking my life for some scoundrel I try to stay around the least." Sniper piped up, checking the time.

Engineer sighed, holding his head. He then got up and ran after Pyro and Scout.

A smirk then came across Spy's face.

"What're you all giddy over?" Sniper asked, looking over at the suspect Frenchman.

"The bet." he smiled, holding out a hand.

Sniper grumbled, giving Spy $50.00 (do your own conversions). His pocket felt a bit lighter now.

"and the rest of the bet." Spy said, counting the money.

Sniper side eyed Spy, as he removed his hat and bit into it.

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