Lavender Incense

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Ms. Pauling was speeding to the team's base, knowing she was very late to the party. Upon approaching the door to enter, men giggling could be heard. She readied her Derringer before kicking the door open.

She looked at the hallways, utterly terrified at the sight of crudely painted rainbows and cuddly animals. Turn right and the hallways are covered in rainbow paint, turn left and the ceiling is lined with fairy lights.

Before she could pick her poison, someone forcefully shut the door behind Ms. Pauling, and strapped to her face. She struggled to get out of it, but soon succumbed to her fate.

After a few minutes, she opened her eyes to a new, twisted wonder world. Dogs and cats bounced down the hallway, and butterflies danced through the air. Scout spotted Ms. Pauling, and jogged over to him.

He seemed rather normal for having the goggles on him, almost like what you did here didn't correspond to what you did in the real world.

"Heyyy, Ms. Pauling! Decided to join the party? Well, you're a bit late, but it's fine. I won't let the guys know you showed up late, it'll be our little secret." he said, leaning up against the wall.

"Scout, where am I?" Ms. Pauling asked in an anxious tone.

"Eh? Oh. I have no idea. There's been a bunch of names being thrown around, I just call it Koo-Koo land." he answered shrugging it off.

"Great. I don't know where I am, and I have to be stuck with you of all people." she said, muttering the last part. She then looked down at her gun to see it was somehow replaced with a happy daisy.

"Howdy Ms. Pauling!" it said with a wide grin.

Ms. Pauling screeched, throwing it onto the floor and stomping on it.

"I'm ok!" it said, sprouting legs and running off.

"I see what you mean by 'Koo-Koo' now." Ms. Pauling said, holding her head and slumping into a sat position against the wall.

"Heh.. yeah. You wanna meet with the Pyro? She's down the rainbow road, past the stuffed animal tree, past the balloonicorn of judgement, and at the giant teapot." Scout explained, inferring Ms. Pauling's reason for visiting.

"..huh?" Ms. Pauling looked up at Scout like he had 9 eyes.

"It'll make sense once you get there." he said, walking off.

Ms. Pauling looked down the hallway with the rainbow floor. It had become a glittery road to a small forest. She sighed, getting up.

"The Administrator's gonna kill me..." she murmured to herself, slowly making her way to the sparkly road.

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