Administrative Actions

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It'd been a few days since Pyro's unnecessary face reveal, and mostly everything was the same...
Except for one thing.

"Eugh.." a sadistic, jaded old woman hissed, scowling at the monitors. "That disgusting thing has removed it's mask once more. How I wish I never had to see that creature again..." she wondered aloud, lighting a cigarette.

A twisted idea then came to the even more twisted mind of the bloodthirsty granny. "PAULING!!" she yowled, calling for her younger assistant.

"I'm right next to you, Administrator." Ms. Pauling responded, which startled the older woman.

"I need you to get that beast of nature to put its mask back on, no matter what it takes. I'm tired of looking at it, and I'm sure those men are as well. Bribe the large one with new weaponry, or the dumb one with a new raccoon, ANYTHING to get that freak to put its mask back on." she explained to Ms. Pauling, who was writing down ideas for each man.

"I'll do what I can." Ms. Pauling nodded, walking off.

"Good, and make it snappy!" The Administrator looked back at Ms. Pauling, with a sinister grin. She knew the mercs respected Ms. Pauling, and she respected them back, but if it was business that needed to be attended to, she was the first person to call on.

Ms. Pauling looked through her notes, trying to figure out who'd be best to get the job done.

"Sniper? No.. that'd be too obvious, since everyone would suspect he did it. 'Be polite and efficient' is the motto of a crazed gunman. Spy? No, he'd make a mess, plus, who else has a butterfly knife but Spy? Hm..." she thought to herself, crossing out names as she went through them.

She couldn't do Heavy, since he'd make Pyro into modern art. She couldn't choose Medic cause he'd just harvest Pyro's organs. Scout would be too busy talking to her to get anything done. Demoman and Soldier have explosives, which would make it even more traumatic.

"Then the only one left would be.. Engineer! That could work. The two of them are probably best pals. She wouldn't suspect a thing." Ms. Pauling nodded, circling his name on her notepad.

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