Two Halves Make a Whole (Chapter 1)

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"Mommy, I wanna go home."

Padmé looked down in surprise and saw that Luke was gazing up at her with a frown on his face. "Home? It's your first day of kindergarten, Luke. You've been looking forward to it for weeks," Padmé reminded him; she'd spent the last two weeks listening to Luke constantly prattling on about how excited he was for the school year to start.

But now, it seemed, the five-year-old was having second thoughts. "I wanna go home," he repeated, sounding close to tears.

That, combined with the nervous glance Luke threw in the direction of all the kids heading towards the school and the way he tightened his grip on Padmé's hand, clued Padmé in as to what the problem was. She crouched down so they were at eye level and smiled encouragingly at her son, taking his other hand too. "There's nothing to be scared of," she said soothingly. "All the other kids are going to be so nice. You'll make friends right away, I know you will."

"What if they don't like me?" Luke said anxiously.

Padmé squeezed his hands. "Of course they'll like you."

"What if no one wants to play with me at recess?"

"They will, I promise," Padmé said again, racking her brain to think of something else she could say to make Luke feel better. Then inspiration struck: "When I pick you up this afternoon, we'll go out for ice cream to celebrate your first day. How does that sound?"

That did the trick, as Padmé knew it would. Luke's frown immediately turned into a grin. "Okay!"

Padmé giggled and kissed him on the forehead. "All right, then. Are you ready to go over there now?"

Luke darted another apprehensive glance towards the school, but then he nodded. Padmé straightened up and led him from their car over to the schoolyard, which was packed with kids and parents trying to locate the correct class of the many gathered outside the building. Padmé knew the kindergarten classrooms were on the south end of the building, so she wandered over in that direction with Luke clinging to his hand and trotting to keep up with her not much longer legs.

The kids were getting smaller, and at last, they were surrounded by some who appeared to be kindergarten-age. Padmé scanned the crowd, trying to figure out which adult was the teacher. She gave up after a moment or two and took a step towards a nearby man whose back was to her. "Excuse me," Padmé said. "Is this Mr. Organa's class?"

The man turned around, and Padmé was pretty sure her heart stopped beating then and there. He was without a doubt the most handsome human being she had ever seen in her entire life. That is if she even was a human being. His short blonde hair was surrounding his face (his suit was professional-looking) and he had striking azure eyes-and, apparently, a dazzling smile, which he bestowed upon her a second later.

"Yes, that's him over there," she said, pointing towards a dark-haired man a slight ways away.

It took Padmé several seconds to remember what she had even asked him in the first place. Oh, Mr. Organa. Right. "Oh. Okay. Um, th-thank you," she stammered, feeling her face heating a little; hopefully, it wasn't noticeable.

He smiled again and gave her a polite nod, and after another moment Padmé managed to snap herself out of it and tug Luke over towards Mr. Organa. She was still more than a little shaken when they got there, but she did her best to get ahold of herself as she said, "Excuse me, Mr. Organa?"

The man looked over and smiled so kindly that Padmé's nervousness about what Luke's teacher would be like immediately eased up. "Yes, that's me," Mr. Organa said. He directed his smile down towards Luke. "Are you in my class?"

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