Amor Vincit Omnia (Part 2)

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She hadn't written to him once in the last six months. Surely that was a sign that she had finally given up on him. Sadly, he'd given her every reason to. He might even hate her, the thought was almost too painful to bear.

Anakin loved her still. Always. Hadn't for a moment stopped. But the decision he made damned them both. And now what did he have?




Political influence second only to the Supreme Chancellor himself.

But no one to hold or be held by at night. No one whose embrace brightened his day. No shoulder to cry on when the need arose. No one to make him laugh or blush or even infuriate him only to, later on, earn his forgiveness. He had no one to draw out the passionate fire in him that he prayed wasn't extinguished forever.

He had some friends. He had a family.

But Anakin didn't have Padmé. And so he felt far less whole.

Suddenly a brisk, gusty wind blew through his office out of nowhere, tossing papers and other items from his desktop in a startling manner. It was only when his eyes lifted to the dark corner wall near a small window that he saw two slender, cloaked figures bathed in shadows, one slightly taller than the other. The taller was Togrutan, evident by the montral, and the shorter of the two was a human, from what he could guess. His throat constricted tightly with a fear not born of danger. His heart ceased beating entirely. His voice fled his lungs.

Even though her face was hidden from him, he knew who she was deep down in his soul. He felt who she was in his heart.

Padmé Naberrie was here in his office.

A long, breathless silence settled in as their eyes locked.

Startled by her unexpected presence, Anakin slowly stood from his desk. Padmé walked toward him with purpose, as if nothing and no one in the galaxy could keep her away from him a second longer.

"Padmé..." Anakin managed to voice before his strong arms drew him to her, and embraced her so tightly, hauling her cloaked form solidly against his chest, nearly lifting her feet off the floor.

Her arms circled his neck immediately, drawing him closer, inhaling the unique scent of him, drowning in the heady feel of his hard body pressed firmly to hers. In his arms, she felt so alive.

For a short, precious time there was no war, no hate, no suffering or pain, or death. There was only love.

Truly shaken by her mere presence, Anakin sighed with her in his arms. "Thank the Force you're alright. The HoloNet had so many conflicting reports. I heard terrible whispers that you'd been killed."

"My life isn't for the taking," she promised him. "Even death can't claim what I gave to you years ago."

He smiled as if nothing at all existed outside their reunion.

"Anakin, I've missed you so much," Padmé whispered against his chest, clutching him as if he were a dream that might fade away at any time. By the Force, he was still as handsome as she remembered. He smelled so good, tantalizing her senses. Finally, she was home. At least she dearly hoped so. There was so much to tell him, and she scarcely knew where to begin but refused to let him go. She felt perfect in his arms. Perfect.

Padmé pulled away from his embrace and cleared her throat. "Ani, this is my former padawan, Ahsoka Tano."

Ahsoka lifted her hand to timidly wave at him from her place by the window. "Mé used to talk about you all the time. It's nice to finally meet you in person."

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