Two Halves Make A Whole (Epilogue)

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4 Years Later

Padmé was having a girls' weekend away with Ahsoka, Sola, and several of their other friends—which was lucky, because Anakin had something he needed to talk to the kids about without her knowing. He'd been thinking about it for months and actively looking for an opportunity for weeks, and he was relieved, and also a little nervous, that the time had finally come.

"Can we be excused?" Luke asked hopefully once the three of them had finished dinner.

"Actually, I'd like you both to stay for a minute," said Anakin, making them sigh. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

Leia looked at her father curiously. "What is it?"

Anakin took a deep breath, nerves increasing a hundredfold. He just needed to come out and say it. Surely they'd both be happy about the idea. He had nothing to worry about. "I want to ask Padmé to marry me," he said finally.

They both gasped. "Really?" Luke demanded.

He nodded. "Yes. But before I do, I wanted to make sure both of you are okay with it."

"Of course we are!" Leia burst out, beaming. "We've been wanting you to get married forever, right, Luke?"

"Yeah!" Luke was also beaming. "You've really been putting it off, though. Mom's probably wondering what's taking you so long."

Anakin huffed indignantly, and the kids snickered. "I haven't been putting it off, I've just been waiting for the right time. I didn't want to rush into things, especially with your feelings to consider in addition to mine and hers."

"The four of us have been living together for three years," Leia pointed out; they'd sold their two smaller houses and moved into a bigger one the summer before Luke and Leia started second grade. "How different could it be once you're actually married?"

"Well, for one, Padmé will officially be your stepmom and I'll officially be Luke's stepdad and you two will officially be stepsiblings."

"That's basically what it's like now anyway," said Luke. He smiled at Anakin. "But I can't wait for you to officially be my stepdad."

Anakin smiled back, heart swelling. He hadn't expected the conversation to go badly, but still, their strong positive reactions were extremely heartening. "So you're definitely happy about us getting married? You're one hundred percent sure that it's something you want?"


"Well, she has to say yes first," Leia said slyly, and Anakin made a face. Asking the kids had been nerve-racking enough; asking Padmé herself was going to be thousand times more terrifying.

"Aw, Leia, that's mean," Luke said, though he was grinning too. "Of course she'll say yes. How are you gonna ask her, Anakin?"

"I-I'm not sure," he admitted. "I've mostly just been focusing on asking you about asking her."

Leia looked scandalized. "Dad, you have to figure out how to ask her! It has to be perfect!"

"Trust me, I know that. And I'm open to suggestions, if you have any."

Luke and Leia offered several increasingly ludicrous and over-the-top ideas, and Anakin was forced to squash a recommendation involving dolphins and hot air balloons before saying, "Okay, how about this. I'll take her out to dinner—"

"Where?" Luke interrupted.

"It should be her favorite restaurant," Leia said wisely.

"So Kat's, then," said Luke, nodding. "But that's not open for dinner. It closes at three."

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