Two Halves Make a Whole (Chapter 7)

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Anakin made up his mind to talk to Padmé as soon as possible, so when they left the schoolyard Monday morning and returned to their cars to chat for a minute before heading to work, he cleared his throat and said, "Hey, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about."

"Sure," Padmé said, looking curious.

"Okay. So...the other night," Anakin began hesitantly. There was nothing to be embarrassed about, he told himself sternly, he just needed to come out and say it. "The other night, on the couch, I, um, I-I wanted to go further but then Leia interrupted us. So I was, Leia's sleeping over at my brother's house Saturday night so I thought maybe--maybe you could come over and spend the night? If you wanted?"

Padmé's eyes widened, and Anakin was so anxious he thought he might actually die. What if she thought it was too soon? What if she thought it was too late? Anakin hadn't dated anyone in years, and he had no idea when you were supposed to start sleeping together. Should they have already started? Then again, they'd only been on four dates and hadn't even made their relationship official yet, and it had only been a little more than a month since they'd first confessed their feelings. Surely it was too soon...and yet, surely she was as eager to move past making out as he was.

Indeed, a moment later Padmé blushed and smiled in a way that was somehow both shy and mischievous. "I-I'd love to. I wanted to go further the other night too," she said, and Anakin breathed a small sigh of relief. "I'll see if my mom's around to watch Luke."

Jobal was around, so the next Saturday evening found Padmé knocking on Anakin's front door with an overnight bag in one hand and a bag of takeout in the other. (Anakin had offered to cook, but she'd just laughed and said it would probably be better for both of them if they got takeout. He didn't exactly disagree.)

Anakin kissed her in greeting, and she was pleased that he was wearing casual clothes; she'd deliberated for a long time over what she should wear and had also settled on casual clothes...though she may or may not have made a quick shopping trip to get some lingerie that was much lacier and skimpier than the kind she normally wore.

Conversation flowed pleasantly as they ate, and Anakin did his best not to think about what was going to happen after dinner. While they had technically planned the occasion ahead of time, he still wanted it to feel as spontaneous as possible. It would be more romantic that way. After they finished eating, they moved into the living room, put on the TV, and cuddled together on the sofa.

The TV was more for background noise than anything—Anakin was barely paying attention, and he doubted Padmé was either. After about half an hour, Padmé shifted closer to him, nestling into his side, and she felt him adjust his arm to hold her more securely. Several minutes later, Anakin bent to place a soft kiss on the top of her head, and she eagerly angled her face towards him in an attempt to make him kiss her properly. He took his time, kissing her ear, her jawline, her cheek, and then finally her lips.

Padmé reached up to run her fingers through his hair and tug his head down even further, parting her lips slightly and deepening the kiss. Anakin responded enthusiastically, exploring her mouth with his tongue for a while before taking her bottom lip between his teeth and gently sucking. Moaning softly, she moved to straddle him, knees on either side of his hips, and she began kissing him more urgently as she settled herself in his lap.

Anakin pulled away from her lips, gasped, and promptly dove back in again, his mouth making contact with her neck this time. Padmé whimpered and tangled her hands in his hair as he sucked on her skin.

"Ani," she moaned at a particularly aggressive bite just below her collarbone that she was sure would leave a mark.

Anakin looked back up at the sound of his name, his pupils dilating. "Padmé," he murmured, and then it was his turn to moan as Padmé nipped at his neck, repaying the favor.

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