2: An Encounter With The Emo Lesbian Mafia

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Frank found himself in the school nurse's office on a more than regular basis, and it was even mostly down to his inadequate immune system, as opposed to his tendency to not really want to turn up to lessons, because okay, who actually wanted to be in school?

But he spent enough time in there to the extent that the nurse knew him on a first name basis, and for a woman who barely ever looked up from her computer, that was a pretty impressive achievement.

The nurse had barely done as much as nod at Frank as he walked in, before looking back down at her computer with an interest that no one could have in just office work, and somehow, just somehow, Frank had a sneaking suspicion that she did in fact have a Facebook tab or something hidden away in the corner.

Then again, Frank knew instantly that if he ever had some shitty ass office job, he'd spent about ninety percent of his time on tumblr, reblogging pictures of bands and aesthetically pleasing photos like his life depended on it, but of course, Frank just felt very strongly about maintaining his punk rock indie goth aesthetic, which was understandable.

In the silence of the room, he felt his attention directed to the girl sat beside him, who'd neglected to even acknowledge his presence, let alone speak up at all since he'd sat down beside her, and Frank was really trying his best not to take it personally, because realistically, it was nothing to do with him; it was just early in the morning, and quite honestly he, himself wasn't really in the mood for conversation with anybody, let alone a stranger.


Frank looked up, groaning internally at the use of that name, but fuck, he was used to it, and if the nurse failed to acknowledge his existence half the time, he couldn't even imagine her acknowledging his gender.

"It's Frank." He corrected her, not that she'd listen, but he could try, couldn't he?

"Whatever, honey, anyway, I should probably have a look at your nose, because the amount of blood coming from it is quickly becoming rather disconcerting." She got up from her desk, grabbing a wad of paper towels, which were apparently the only nursing supplies that schools were equipped with, and made her way over to Frank. 

"Yeah, that's pretty nasty." She added, attempting to mop up some of the blood. "You have a really high pain tolerance, Frankie, you know?"

"It's Frank." He corrected her once more, his tone perhaps just a little more snappy this time.

"Okay, Frank..." The nurse paused for a moment, dabbing at Frank's nose with a paper towel in an absent minded fashion. "Since when has it been 'Frank'?"

"A few months ago." He let out a sigh, holding the paper towel to his own nose as she pulled away a little.

"Just hold that to your nose and if it stops bleeding you'll probably be fine." You could tell that this woman had earned and deserved that nursing degree, and Frank felt absolutely one hundred percent safe in her care.

She was about to make her way back to her desk, and presumably Facebook, before she stopped in her tracks, glancing at the girl beside Frank with a curiosity. "What about you? What's wrong with you?"

Gee looked up, biting her lip a little as she looked up to face the nurse. "I feel sick and dizzy."

Frank smirked to himself, having heard that one a million times, and with the over-theatricised tones in her voice, it was pretty easy to tell that the only ailment she was suffering from was uncompleted maths homework or something of the like, however the nurse, with all her elite nursing experience, didn't seem to notice at all.

"Okay, if you're gonna be sick, there's a sink there - this carpet is new, you know? And do you know how hard it is to get this school to fork out more than ten dollars for anything other than the academic subjects? Well, judging by the state of the art rooms I think you do." She rolled her eyes, before taking a seat back at her desk and leaving Frank to stare at Gee with an unplaceable kind of curiosity.

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