7: kid petekey is the cutest thing in the entire world im gonna stab myself

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"That's so fucking stupid." Pete laughed aloud, pointing to the school's new celebrity couple, in the form of Jason and Grace who were currently having some sort of fucked middle school wedding ceremony, with the 'vicar', some kid named Brian, reading some seriously altered versions of the wedding vows, which he was reading off his cellphone, and were probably from Yahoo Answers, or something.

It was stupid, yes, but also highly amusing.

Mikey looked up from his lunch; the two boys sat in the corner of the school field by the hedge, because they were so cool, and of course, the middle of the field was too fucking mainstream, but seriously Mikey didn't give a fuck where he sat, he just cared that he sat with Pete, and somehow this fucking hedge seemed to appeal greatly to Pete, and therefore, the same could be said for Mikey.

Pete had seriously kind of saved his ass, though, because no one even as looked at Mikey in the wrong way anymore, because, okay, Pete wasn't exactly the tallest or strongest of people, but he fucking had balls, and this was middle school, no one fucked messed with that.

"They're using a Haribo ring, I'm going to piss myself." Pete exclaimed, not seeming to give one single shit as to whether the fake wedding service actually heard him or not.

"Please, don't piss yourself." Mikey narrowed his eyes in Pete's direction.

"I'm just kidding, Mikeyway." His faced lit up with a smile, as he leaned closer to Mikey, even resting his head on his shoulder a little, and people would fucking talk, but Pete would punch the shit out of them, and they wouldn't anymore.

Mikey really loved this, and it wasn't like he was abusing Pete's protection or something, like, he actually really liked the guy, but it certainly felt weird to be able to act however the fuck you wanted to at school without worrying about what people were going to say or do to you for it.

"I swear to god those two are going to be needing a goddamn divorce ceremony in like two days time, like, dude, these relationships last like four minutes-"

"You say that like Grace isn't two months older than you." Mikey grinned a little, raising his eyebrows in Pete's direction.

"Fuck you, Mikeyway, I'm not the one getting married with a Haribo ring." Pete shook his head in disbelief, nibbling at his sandwich a little, which had been abandoned in favour of Mikey, and the wondrous sight that was the wedding ceremony of two thirteen year olds.

"That's totally gonna be you in like two months time, though, who are you going to marry, though, that's the question." Mikey peered around the field, scouting the place for Pete's future spouse, however, he did seem to be overlooking one very viable option, that was indeed sat right beside Pete himself in front of some goddamn hedge that smelled kind of odd.

"I'm not getting married, Mikeyway." Pete laughed a little, shaking his head.

"Why not?" Mikey looked up, almost shell-shocked by the idea. "You have to get married, some day, don't you? Like have kids and a family... and... all that..."

"No..." Pete shook his head, "Jesus, Mikey, is your mother the virgin Mary or something, because this isn't zero AD. You don't have to get married, you don't have to have kids, and I'm gonna do neither of those things."

"What are you going to do then?"

"I don't know, Mikeyway, I reckon I'm going to start a band, and we're going to travel the world and play shows like everywhere, in every goddamn city." And Mikey couldn't miss the way Pete's face lit up even at the thought of it.

"I'd miss you, you know, if you were half way across the world, and I was here... I don't know... doing something..."

"Well, then, Mikeyway, join my band, it's that simple."

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