10: The Sixth Sense Of Emo

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It was at the point where Frank came over to Gee's house without asking anymore, or dragged her away from Lindsey, and took her home to talk and maybe kiss or something; they still hadn't quite defined what they were to each other, but needless to say, they were most certainly comfortable with one another, and to the extent that Frank knew exactly when Gee's house would and wouldn't be empty, so he knew exactly when to take her back to his or just to hers.

It was odd, but weirdly flattering, and Frank was all sort of kinds of awkwardly cute, and oddly fucked up, and seriously needed to stop getting into shit with people half a foot taller than him, but like, everyone was half a foot taller than him, and what he lacked in height, he also lacked in controlling his temper, so it wasn't exactly as if the odds were ever in his favour.

It amused Gee though, Frank himself amused Gee, even with his cigarettes, and even with those stupid combat boots that he claimed took four decades to take off, so he'd kept on, and trailed mud throughout her house, which Gee really wished she had a dog to blame on, because Mikey who never went outside wasn't quite as believable at all.

But Gee looked past that, and saw just the cutest, sweetest boy in the world sat on her kitchen countertop, trying to get his lighter to work when it was point black refusing to cooperate with him, which was perhaps more than a little amusing for the girl, leaning against the countertop to the left of him with a coffee cup in her hands; the two having lost track of time hours ago, and yes, this was exactly like every cliché, but they were happy with whatever the hell was going on between them.

"Are you laughing at me because my lighter won't fucking work?" Frank pulled his hands away from his face, and his lighter down onto the countertop, appearing to give up completely.

"Nope." Gee responded, grinning at him as she did so, and putting her coffee back down as she made her way over to him, and grabbing the lighter. "I bet I can get it to work, because I'm like magic, you know?"

Frank raised his eyebrows, unconvinced, "are you?"

"Mmm..." She continued, clicking at the lighter, and gesturing for Frank to put the cigarette back in his mouth, and at some point in the aforementioned manoeuvre she considered at just which point had she found herself not just accepting of his smoking habits, but 'actively supporting' them; she didn't say anything though, because Frank looked far too cute right now, and she didn't want to ruin the moment, or something equally as sappy.

And of course, by some miracle, she managed it too, which left Frank speechless and wide eyed, and nearly even choking on the cigarette as he pulled it away from his lips and choked out an awkward and disbelieving, "motherfucker".

And at that moment, the backdoor clicked open, leaving Gee wide eyed as she felt her gaze settling on the clock in realisation that they really had lost track of the last hour, and yes, Mikey really was making his way inside right now, and here was the smoking emo boy with muddy combat boots sat on the kitchen counter, that Gee didn't expect anyone to approve of.

Mikey paused for a moment as he stood in the doorway, clearly having not expected to see Frank today, but he made no comment, simply glancing between his sister and her boyfriend, waiting for someone to break the silence.

"Uhh..." Gee ran a hand back through her hair, as she found the responsibility thrown onto her. "You've met, so, yeah, Frank's... here, and..."

"Mum would hate him." Mikey commented, raising his eyebrows at Frank.

"I know." Gee's face seemed to light up with a grin at the notion of her mother's disgust. "Exactly."

Mikey rolled his eyes, throwing his school bag down near the door, and making his way over to the kitchen on an overly enthusiastic and highly motivated quest for coffee, or caffeine or some other sort. "I feel like mum could find a way to hate anyone though." He admitted as he grabbed a mug from the cupboard.

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