11: Actual Beautiful Baby Angel Mikey Way

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"So he turned out to be okay then?"

Pete had always known, and deep down, behind layers and layers of concern and mistrust in reality, he had known too.

"Yeah." Mikey nodded, biting his lip, and avoiding Pete's gaze, just praying that his best friend wasn't about to make some stupid 'I told you so' joke, but his best friend was Pete Wentz, so of course he was.

The two found themselves in Pete's back garden, with Mikey pulling at strands of grass absent mindedly, and Pete lying down on his front, and looking up at the sky, and Mikey's eyes in a totally heterosexual way, because of course, Pete Wentz was nothing close to a homosexual - it wasn't like he'd admitting to liking boys only a few days prior, was it? No of course not.

"Told you so." It had taken a minute or two, but the words had finally left Pete's mouth, and Mikey couldn't think of anything other than to shake his head in response, because Pete was certainly an idiot, but his idiot, or some other bullshit like that.

"Yeah." Mikey repeated, watching as Pete got up and sat beside Mikey, leaning his head on the taller boy's shoulder. "What are you doing?" Mikey asked, not that he was complaining, of course, and he made a point of that, as he casually put his arm around Pete, you know, in a friend way, but okay, Mikey was actually thirteen and a genuine piece of cute innocent shit and had no fucking clue how gay he was being right then and there.

And of course to very, very heterosexual Pete, this was certainly more than infuriating, but he didn't comment upon it, because he didn't dare even consider the risk of fucking things up with the actual beautiful baby angel that went by the name of Mikey Way.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Pete asked, his tone sarcastic, but in a half-hearted manner, because he couldn't even pretend to be pissed at Mikey, because Mikey Way was fucking precious and beautiful and must be protected at all costs, and even at the age of thirteen, Pete Wentz was well aware of that.

"Being a little shit." Mikey put it bluntly, but with a smile on his face, and Jesus Christ, Mikey had never really smiled often, but he'd certainly taken more to it in the company of Pete, and more in the recent past, and every time he did so, Pete literally had a heart attack, but who wouldn't? It wasn't like Pete was overreacting, at all.

Pete shook his head, grumbling in the same half hearted protest. "Don't swear - you're like eight."

"Pete, we're the same age-"

"I was born in June, you were born in September, therefore I'm older, and you're a little tiny baby." Pete, the actual emo gnome child, said, but like no one could see how short he was when he sitting down at least.

"I'm a tiny baby? Pete, you're like three feet tall..." Mikey shook his head, but leaned in Pete's side as he did so, which totally defeated the point of this entire 'argument', but neither boy seemed to mind much.

"Do you want me to punch you, Mikeyway? Because you've seen me punch, and-"

"You're not going to punch me." Mikey said with confidence, but he was absolutely right, because if Pete was going to do any punching here, it was going to be punching himself in the face for being so in love with Mikey fucking Way.

"What makes you say that?" Pete retorted, laughing it off nervously, and needless to say, with bright red cheeks and avoided gazes, Pete Wentz was far from being an even adequate liar.

"Because I'm your best friend, and I like wouldn't be your friend anymore if you punched me and then you'd have no friends, so even if you're thinking about it, you really shouldn't, like I'm just looking out for you here, because I'm such a good friend." Mikey giggled a little, falling into Pete's lap somewhat accidentally, but not finding the will to move, "oops, I'm really tired, and you're really comfy, so can I stay here?"

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