3: Lindsey Ballato The Motherly Gothic Vulture

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Gee Way didn't even open her laptop until something like six that evening: having been busy with more homework than she could ever care for, and then helping Mikey with his, which she still didn't understand, and the two had ended up googling on Mikey's laptop, which their parents really wouldn't have approved of, and well, Mikey always wanted to be good, but needs must, and it wasn't like Gee Way was much of an advocate for telling her parents anything after this whole mess with her gender that they were still insistent upon ignoring.

However, come ten past six, she'd made herself a sandwich and sat down in bed, putting her laptop in her lap and waiting what felt close to ten years for the damn thing to boot up.

She'd first gone to her iTunes, putting her headphones in, and her music library on shuffle, paying little attention to what she was actually listening to as she eventually found herself drifting towards the realms of Tumblr.

And, Gee was something like surprised and delighted to see the little red number one on her inbox, and yes, it was still red, because Gee had XKit, because fuck Tumblr and their shitty website.

It was an anonymous message, as they often were, and it was somewhat simple in nature, but she couldn't even dare to say that there'd been little thought put into it.

'hey. I just want to tell you that you're amazing and beautiful and that when I saw you today, I think everything changed.'

Gee's eyes widened as she read the message several times over, because fuck, this person had to know her in real life then, and fuck, she did not want people at school to know about her blog: sure, blogging about cats and feminism, as Gee often did, seemed pretty harmless, but there were those personal posts, and well, although Gee never did mention names or anything, she didn't ever hold back her feelings.

However, as she read the message through another time, she concluded that perhaps this person's intentions were nothing but good, and with that, she responded to the message with a, 'thank you. so you know me in real life? who are you?'.

Gee went back to her dashboard, reblogging a couple of pictures, before another red number one appeared in her inbox once again, and well, she was only human, and curiosity soon got the better of her.

'We don't really know each other but I go to your school. You won't know me but I kind of want you to.'

And Gee was both utterly flustered and grinning like an idiot as she typed out a reply: 'tell me who you are then.'

And a few minutes later: minutes spent staring at her inbox, because by this point, Gee's interest had been sparked, a simple, one word reply was received: 'no'.

And then nothing, and Gee was practically driving herself insane over it, and within mere moments,

It just didn't make sense, because who the fuck who think enough of her to stalk to her and find her blog and then send her anonymous messages, and fuck, it was someone she knew, well, not really, but someone she'd seen before, and... god... Gee shook her head, opening Facebook in another tab and turning to Lindsey for advice, as she often did,

'some anon on tumblr just messaged me saying that I am 'amazing and beautiful' and that they saw me at school today'

Lindsey replied within a few minutes, having been doing little more than scrolling through her newsfeed herself: 'well, you've got yourself a stalker then,' and a stupid smiley face emoji that Gee felt was burning a fucking hole in her screen.

'Lovely,' Gee shook her head, looking up, message half typed, as her bedroom door opened, and Mikey walked in, "one sec," she mumbled aloud as Mikey took a seat beside her on the bed, and Gee typed out a quick, 'gtg', before closing the window as fast as physically possible.

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