Plan Escape

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" Your just way to crazy man" Jill exclaims with an astonished tone.

" Of course I am and the chicks love that" I exclaim with a small smirk.

Jill should know me well by now. It's surprising to see he still gets surprised over the things i do. Well i guess some people just don't have a mind.

"Are you telling me you are planing to make a plan to escape school by making an anonymous fire" Jill says with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.

"Exactly my dear Jill " I reply grinning at a worried Jill while walking away.

" See you at school tomorrow by the way "

"No way dude " Jill yells back.

I start to walk home. The hot sun burning up through my neck. Anyways what's the rush in getting home. I'll only get yells and scandal from everyone. I sit in a bench in the park instead.

Yep life is just fine for me. Being the hottest guy and the most popular can just make your life perfect. At least from the outside i guess. Everyone is just expecting you to always be perfect. Do you know how much pressure that puts on you. A LOT. Not only that , you can't just trust someone with your problems without no one else finding out. I guess you can describe me as a birthday present. The wrapping in the outside brings temptation with its beauty while the inside is filled with a surprise just waiting for someone to open it. The case for me is that no one wants to see beyond the wrapping. Well, not my fault the wrapping is just so irresistibly hot.

Well enough talking to myself. Time to get home. Or as i call it school at home. There is just rules everywhere at my home. Don't do this, Don't do that ; it's all you hear. Well I guess my home is what encouraged me to be so crazy about breaking the rules. Well anyways too late i'm already at the door. I go straight to my room hoping nobody notices me. I just want to get to bed and sleep.Well so much for my sleep mom is yelling me wide awake.

"Chris clean up your room its like a pigsty" Mom yells from downstairs.

" Mom, I need my teenage sleep, maybe later" I yell back in a deep voice.

" Young boy you clean this up right now or I'm going to show you sleeping with no eyes" Mom yells as she peeks herself in my room then shutting the door with a loud pound.

What a crappy mom I have. I get up my bed and start picking up all the plain T-shirts and the jeans into my drawer. Then i get all my socks into my smaller drawer. I get all my perfumes and deodorants on top of my cabinet and abracadabra my clean room appears!

I walk downstairs proud that i cleaned my room so quickly. Mom looks at me with an startled glare and i know that she feels just as surprised as i do.

"I need to say I am impressed but you look like crap and i need a handsome young man in 15 minutes" Mom says suspiciously.

"Mom, I'm lost what's going on? " I ask confused.

"I invited my friend Lisa from work over for dinner and she is bringing her daughter, now please hurry and try to look like a decent guy" Mom says in a pleading way.

"Mom, you got a hottie son right here what else do you want" I say with a playful smirk.

"If you are referring to Jack i would agree he is quite cute" Mom says smiling in a victorious way.

I roll my eyes at the thought of my 4-year old brother pulling more girls than me. Okay i'm freaked out. Just kidding i'm the king here. Jack might just stay behind with being cute but when it comes to hella hot he can't beat this baby.

I put on some dark jeans and my best white plain T-shirt which by the way give a peek at my 6 pack and my killer muscles.

The doorbell breaks my thoughts. I suddenly realize my hair is awful. I grab the brush and brighten it up a bit while mom calls me to greet the guests.I walk downstairs and notice this girl. Shes not the hot girl that usually grabs my attention but she is pretty. What am i thinking she is just good looking okay and besides shes not my type. I have a whole lot of girls anyways. Chris concentrate!

I smile my enchanting smile and greet our guests.

"Chris , Lisa and i will be in the kitchen getting everything ready please go show Mia your room" mom yells happily.

"Ok mom" i reply lazily.

Is she crazy?what im i going to do with Mia. we are obiously different at least i think. She has hazel eyes and fair sized hair with a glaring smile. She also looks queit and the type of girl who is waiting for her prince charming. Well certainly not my type. I like hot girls who just want to have fun and not take it serious. So now how do i start.

"Shall we go?"I say in an unsure way but yet with my charming smile.

She grins annoyingly and nods her head. I take her upstairs to my room and i stand by the window while she lays in a chair.

"So im Chris and dont mind my messy room"

I say trying to break the silence.

To my surprise she laughs. Why is she laughing totally awkward. Hey blame her im just keeping my cool.

"Are you always like this?" She asks grinning.

"Like what?" I say oddly.

"You are like two people in one ,down stairs you seemed like a guy who listens and obeys his mom and now you are here trying to make a conversation from silence "

"I guess you can say im one whole package babe"

"Look please don't waste your breath trying to melt me like the others because i wont fall for that"

"What are you talking about?" I ask confused and lost.

"Look dont tell me your not the type to do what you want and who always plays around with girls because i know you are and well just stay away okay"

"Is something wrong? Did i do something to you ?" I ask.

She turns away rubbing her eyes and resting her face in her arms.

"Im sorry im just try to keep my distance and well i just feel guys like you just hurt people"

"Hey you dont know me ,who knows maybe i aint that bad"

"Judging by the looks i would say that is hard to believe" she states grinning.

I get closer and i see her clearly. Yup she sure is beautiful.

"Guys dinner is ready"mom yells.

We go downstairs and stuff ourselve with moms dinner. Mashed potatos with chicken drums and corn. Next to it bread with green beens and the great smell of choclate cake. Delicious.

"Chris , Lisa moved in just quite a few blocks from here so Mia will be going to your school. You better show her around and be her guide okay "

"Sure mom" i say hesitating. Is my mom going nuts. This is not going to work out.

Soon we finish dinner and i walk outside. I just need fresh air. The stars shine bright in the sky. Its amazing how beautiful the sky looks at night.

"Im sorry for what happened at your room" mia says while sitting in the porch next to me.

"Its okay in a way i admire your ability to know my personality without knowing me"

I say .

"Look im just having to adapt to this new place and well ive been in a crappy mood"

She explains.

"Well its cool with me and as for you , live your life with no worries fit in wherever you can"

"Well so now your an expert in advice?"

"Sure I am babe" i reply with my smirk.

Lisa yells for Mia to get in the car.

"Well to me youll be just another jerk" Mia says leaving.

"Admit it i am irressistible" "by the way i am your guide remember that" i yell.

This chick is playing hard but she cant get away from my looks. Why do i care? I need a drink. Anyways i dont need her i got a waiting list of girls. Shes just a waste of time. I should be planning my escape plan for tomorrow. But first let me get the drink.

Hi everyone hope your enjoying and wait for the next chapter and please don't be a silent reader.

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