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" Nice too see you're back " David smiled in his hospital bed.

" Yes , couldn't miss your last day in the hospital" I smiled as I shook his hand and sat in the chair next to him.

" I am ready to get off this hospital" David grins. His smile bright in his face. He looks way better than when he first got here, yet his positive, kind attitude was unchanged.

" When are they letting you out?" I asked.

"At noon" He answered.

"Ohh, I brought something for you" I reached deep into my pocket filling the nicely shaped object. " I think this belongs to you"

I handed the small silver ship chain, I had taken from his home that awful day. It had felt special and warm the instant I touched it. It gave me hope and safety. I was hesitant to give it back at first, but I was decided it was the right thing to do. At this point, I couldn't afford to mess up again, I had done it by far too much.

" Young boy, why this is quite a special thing, you agree?" David got the chain in his hand and looked deep into it. He smiled at me.

"It sure is" I responded. "I'm sorry I took it"

"I wouldn't blame you for taking it, the question is why you young boy took this small chain, when it is worthless" His face turned curious and serious.

"I really don't know, it just seemed special to me. Something in me was safe when I touched it. It felt nice." I responded.

"Let me tell you, boy this thing is the most valuable treasure, I hold."

"Why is that?" I ask.

"Long, when I was a child , my grandfather gave me this chain, he swore it gave luck and was magical. Of course, I didn't believe him, like any young boy, I thought him as crazy, Yet I took it anyways because like you, it felt special and warm in my hand. I would carry it in my tests at school and believe it or not I passed my classes. When my grandfather was dying in a hospital bed he made me promise that one day, I should pass it on to my children. Years passed and I found a wife. We married and were planning to have children. Yet, a car accident took us by supply. It took my wife's life away. I swore I would never find another wife. So, I got used to the loneliness. You know there is always just one women who is perfect for a man. You need to find that women and never lose her. Losing her means losing your sanity and your happiness. I never had a son" He spoke.

"I'm sorry about your wife, sir" I said.

"Here, I want you to have this" He handed me the chain.

"No sir, its your treasure"

"Your a good boy, Chris, keep it" He smiled.

I took it and placed it back in my pocket.


"Yes" I answered.

"Don't lose her"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Don't loses that one perfect women" He felt my shoulder. "Go, it's never late for an apology"

He was right. I had to fix things with Mia. Ever since our argument, I've felt empty. I needed her. She was my everything. Why did I ever doubt her? Maybe because I'm stupid, but I can still fix it.

"Thank you, David"

"My pleasure" He said.

I ran out the hospital as fast as I could. I took the fastest bus and went straight to the well known streets. I got off the bus like I've just gone crazy. I can't believe it. I am actually going to get my life back on track. I ran straight to Mia's door. I knock so hard on her door it could fall any minute. Mia's mom opens the door. Her face full of serious emotions, I can't deceive.

"Ms. Haynes, may I talk to Mia?"

"Chris, Mia is not here"

"Where is she?" I ask disappointed.

"She left"

"Left where?" My tone goes stiffer.

"She said something about a Blum or Plume boy" she answered.

I knew who she was talking about. I knew exactly who. A traitor, a destroyer, and an enemy dressed with a smirk. My smirk. It was Grant Plume. I had to go find him and get Mia. I had to tell her so much.

I drive straight to his house as raging mad as I had ever been. I get off the car practically throwing the car door. I knock uncontrollably in the front door. Plume opens the door and I punch him straight in the face knocking him down to the floor. His jaw bleeding freely. I grab him by the shirt to my face.

"Chris, what's wrong with you, Bro?" He says nervously.

"Where's Mia, you asshole" I reply trying to impossibly hold myself from killing him right in that spot.

"She ain't here" He responds.

"You piece of trash" I punch him once more." Where is she Bitch"

"I told you she ain't here" I punch him once more but this time he manages to take an object out of his pocket. I knew I was dead there. It was a god Damn gun.

"Now, Chris, you wanna punch me again" He says smirking while I let him go and back off." Go ahead punch me, try being better than me like you always do"

I stay quiet.

"You always think of yourself as the best, the one who gets all the good stuff" He laughs. "Not this time brother"
I see it then. Grant pulls a small gun out of his pocket and points it straight at my chest.
This is the moment I realize I'm a goner.

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