Looking For the Wind

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I head towards Tiffany's house angrily. I just don't want to see her. She disgusts me. She doesn't deserve to be so hot. I turn to the corner of Green Oak street and recognize the house I usually visited when I needed a girl. I don't know how I fell for Tiffany in the past. I finally get off the car and head towards the door. I really just want to punch myself for what I'm about to do. But anyways Mia always seems to always get me out of my comfort zone somehow even when she isn't even here. I ring the doorbell which fills the inside of the house.

Tiffany opens the door with a curvy smile. She wears bright pink short shorts and a dark blue tank top. Her hair falls messy on her shoulders.

"Come in Sweet" She greets me as I enter the room. I am totally disgusted. I can feel Tiffany's eyes looking at me up and down throughout my body. I ignore her and head towards the couch. She sits in the opposite couch in front of me.

"What's going on? You miss me"

"No of course not" Her face stiffens as I answer.

"Why are you here then?" Tiffany's face expression turns serious.

"I came for Mia do you know where she is?" Tiffany chuckles and flips her hair.

"Ha-Ha why would I know about a dead fly like her"

I turn red. She has no right to insult Mia that way. I clump my fists with rage.

"She is more women than you'll ever be" I say standing up from the couch.

"Chris we aren't much different remember that"

I stand still at her comment. "I ain't nothing like you"

"Ohh really , you get girls with your beauty and then you use them for fun. After a while, you leave them and head to the next , I do the same thing I guess we are both trash" Tiffany says.

I never thought of it that way maybe she is true.

"Now face it Chris a girl like Mia isn't the one to fall for you. She wants a prince charming not a piece of crap like you that just jumps from girl to girl. If you really care about Mia, let her find a person that really deserves her. We both know that ain't you. Stick to your kind sweetie"

I head towards the door. I get into my car just in time before it starts raining. A million thoughts cross my mind.

"She wants a prince charming , not a piece of crap like you"

Tiffany's words haunt me. Well, I play with girls and I do break their hearts but I am nothing compared to Tiffany. Or am I? Yes I am. Mia doesn't deserve to be broken- hearted. I don't want and let her be happy.

NO NO NO. This can't be happening. My car stops in the middle of the dark road. I am still pretty far from home to walk and it is raining cats and dogs outside. The car stops completely and I punch the steering wheel. Why is this happening to me? I get out of the car and open the motor. It's hard to tell what's wrong in the dark of the night without a flashlight and with the pouring rain.

Suddenly I stop still due to the fact that I just heard something that sounded like crying coming from the woods. I get closer and now I can really tell someone is crying. I decide to ask.

"Is somebody there?" I yell. Rain drooping my hair flat. I ask once more but nobody answers. The crying stops. I start heading back to my car. Suddenly a voice creeps.

"Yes, I'm here Help, help please"

I run back into the woods. By the sound of the voice I can tell who ever it is, that they're hurt. I finally get to the person. It is a girl blindfolded. She had ripped jeans and both her hands and feet were tied together. Her peach pink lips were gasping for help.

"Here I'll help you" I start taking the blind off her eyes. No! It can't be. The girl is Mia.



We both speak at the same time. I wanted to kiss her right there. I wanted to make her feel safe. She looked so innocent, so delicate as a rose. For once, I felt like the prince charming in the books and movies. I don't want to ruin the moment. I already tried to be prince charming once and it didn't work out so, I start undoing the knots that tied her hand and feet together instead.

"Chris thank you, you saved me" She says crying.

I help her get up. We stand there frozen. Eye to Eye and she takes the first step forward. She kisses me right there. I hold her close and we kiss passionately.

"Let's get out of here" I say grabbing her by the hand and we head into the car.

"What happened to you?"

"It's horrible Chris" Her eyes are still wet from crying.

"Did someone do something to you?" I yell desperately.

"Chris I-I got raped" She puts her head down and starts weeping.

"Nobody Chris" She lifts her head up.

"Nobody really Mia you think I'm stupid" My anger controls me now. How can someone abuse of Mia that way. I get off the car and kick the dirt. I pace around back and forth, my hand on my hair. I am raging mad.

"Chris it was Grant Plume okay?" Mia gets off the car and stands in front of me.

"Grant Plume?" I ask surprised. I have always hated him. I never did like him.

"Yea Chris, Yes" She yells.

"I'm going Ti F****** kill him," I scream as I kick the car.

"Chris, Chris stop please" Mia cries. I ignore her and scream profanities.

What am I doing? I am making her cry. I hate the sight of seeing her cry. I go to her and grab her by the shoulders.

"Look at me, Mia look at Mia I'm here to protect you. You don't deserve to get hurt. I just hate seeing you cry. Please stop. Please don't you ever cry and I swear Grant Plume is going to pay for what he did to you" .I wipe her tears with my thumb and hold her to my chest,

She looks beautiful in the rain. The rain brightens her face. Just like she brightens me. I loved her. I was sure of it. I never felt what I felt when I kissed her with any other girl. Now, that she took the first step in kissing me, she proved to me that she feels the same way. Grant Plume is going to pay for what he did. Of that I am sure of it.

"Let's get in the car" I say as I guide her into the car, I get in as well.

"Did I forget to mention this car doesn't work?" I say smiling at her. She smiles and lets out a laugh. I argh along.

She leans closer and I do too. We kiss and kiss again. Next thing you know we are making love inside a car. Story of my life.

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