19. The Wedding

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Chapter Nineteen

Adam's POV

Perspiration formed in my temples and upper lip as I stood by the altar, waiting nervously. I'd never been anxious in my entire life until today.

She wouldn't stand me up, would she?

I clenched my jaw and checked my watch, probably for a hundredth time. Carl stood beside me, a teasing smile on his face.

I scanned the guests sitting impatiently under the canopy of the oak trees. There were only twenty people, closest friends, and relatives since I was against the big wedding idea that my mother suggested. We had an argument but in the end, she agreed.

Hundreds of white orchid flowers arrange on both sides of the aisle. The seats had been covered in white satin cloth and an orchid arch had been made to serve as the wedding altar.

My garden in the backyard had been infested with countless of people, the wedding coordinator and her staff, who worked rally hard to make it as intimate as it was now.

"What's taking her so long?" I whispered under my breath.

After what I thought a thousand years, I saw my bride in her mermaid wedding gown hugging every inch of her curves. I was instantly smitten as she made her way down the aisle.

Her slim shoulders, the crook of her neck, and cleavage were that should've been for my eyes only gaped wantonly from her revealing gown. A small tiara sat on top of her head and her long curly hair cascaded down her small frame.

Her eyebrows knit together as her eyes fell on mine. She scanned the crowd as if looking for someone. Aimee who sat in the front row, scurried toward her and gave her a gentle nudge.

I held my breath in anticipation.

"Don't you dare run away from me."

"You didn't propose to her, didn't court her. She's practically being trapped in marriage without her consent." Carl said in a low tone. "When did you tell her? Just an hour ago? And what exactly did you tell her? Get dressed? That's all without as much as an explanation? She's probably thinking what an asshole you are right now," He chuckled enjoying the scene.

Although still confused, she walked all the way down the aisle and I let out a sigh, grinning deep inside.

You are mine now.

I searched her face and there was still confusion on those beautiful foxy eyes.

She didn't spare me a glance when I took her hand and faced the altar, her expression blank as the ceremony progressed.

When it was time to kiss her, I just dropped a small kiss on her mouth. She didn't say anything. I didn't want to please the audience by the sight of us kissing torridly.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife,"

One by one, the guests started to congratulate us. My wife forced a smile at each one of them. So did I. I hated people and to think most of them were my family. But still I managed to exchange pleasantries, keeping in mind  that I need to be in my best behaviour. I sworn to Georgia. That was the very reason she allowed this marriage in the first place.

The Italian cuisine had been served at the round tables, getting the chance to escape, I retreated to the house, upstairs to my study.

As soon inside, I opened a vodka bottle and filled my lowball glass. I walked to the window and watched as people outside my garden enjoyed the party.

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