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"You are mine and no one else can own you. Even Adam"

Natalia's POV

When I woke up, the other side of the bed was empty. I drew the satin blanket to my body and wrapped myself around it. My body, craved for Adam's heat as soon as it awaken from slumber. Flash back of last night brought a smile on my lips. It was indeed the best sex I ever had.

"Adam?" I called, walking to the bathroom in complete darkness. "Are you there?" There was no sign of him, nor any sound.

"Adam?" I called again and stumbled as I walked to the couch, blindly fumbling checking if he was there. It was empty, then the flapping sound of the white curtains blowing in the wind caught my attention. I adjusted my eyes in the darkness and I saw the open glass door leading to the balcony. There he was, sitting in the lounge chair with his eyes closed, a glass of vodka in his hand propped on his naked hard rock stomach.

"Come back to bed," I crouched beside him and whispered.

His eyes fluttered open, looked at me lazily, and I was mesmerized. "Missed me so soon?" He teased and kissed me. "Go back to bed,"

"But I want you beside me,"

He scooted over to the side making a room for me. I happily nestled in his arms, my fingers resting on his bare chest.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing," He lied.

I looked up at him and touched his eyebrows. "You were frowning earlier, lost in your own thoughts," He caught my wrist and placed it against his cheek, kissing my palm, his mouth was warm against my skin.

"I was thinking of all sorts of things I want to do to you," he said, grinning. Although he was smiling, I could see the tiredness in his eyes, the crease in between his brows an indication that he was thinking something more serious than sex.

I inched closer to him, giving him the comfort he needed. "You can do whatever you want with me,"

He placed my hand against his cock, and it suddenly came to life. "I want this inside you now,"

He sat up and placed the glass on the floor and leaned back to the chair, placing his hands on my waists, lifting me up to sit astride him. The blanket wrapped around me now discarded to the floor and my breasts hardened in the chilly night. I suddenly became wet in between my legs as my spot rested against his hardened penis.

My sweaty palms rested on his chest. And when he freed his manhood, my inhibitions had abandoned me once again, and rode him fast and hard.

When I woke again, Adam was already dressed, fresh from shower, his hair still wet as he put on trousers and a gray shirt.

"Good afternoon my sleepy head wife. Get up now. Let's get some lunch. I'm starving." He rubbed a towel, gently dry his hair, and walked up to the bed when I didn't move.

"Do you want me to bathe you?"

I giggled at his words. "I would love that but I'm very tired. Can we just get lunch here?"

"No. We haven't seen the outside much. So Sorry my love, but I have an important meeting tomorrow. My client went all the way from Korea to discuss this project. I'm sorry but we must go back tonight. We need to make the most of the afternoon,"

I was disappointed of course. We just started to grow close together and going back meant busy schedule for him.

And his women.

Although, I was happy he married me instead of Cynthia, I still couldn't force away this nagging feeling. It wasn't still clear why he'd married me in the first place. I guess I was scared of his answer. I hadn't discussed it with him since the wedding.

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