Three | Runaway

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Adam's POV

I brought Natalia to my house. I didn't know what she was thinking when she touched me earlier in the car but there was no doubt that the feel of it nearly robbed me of good reason.

Natalia was beautiful. She had a pair of beautiful brown eyes and a mouth I craved for as I watched her speak.

"Is this your house?" She inquired.

We stood in the lawn and watched the construction of my home like an artist examining his masterpiece. It was a three-story house with brick walls and small glass windows, chimneys for the grates, and an attic.

At the back, were trees, a swamp, and a storage room where I dispose old stuffs. There was a rotting wooden swing there left unused.


"And your parents?"

"They have their own place. The whole house's mine alone." I replied turning to watch her as she marveled at the large house.

"You live alone here?" Her eyes met mine.

I nodded. "I like to be left alone,"

"Then why did you bring me here? W-what for?"

"To save me," I breathed.

"W-what do you mean?" She said and frowned.

"Chase seems to take interest in you, I need you to know him, and help me get rid of him."

"Who's Chase?" She turned to me but I was too scared to meet her eyes.

"You'll meet him soon,"

"Is he your brother?"

"No, he's part of me." I told her and strolled to the front door. She followed my tracks.

"I'm sick, mental that is, and I need you to help me get well,"

I took the three step stairs leading to the front porch when I heard her stopped behind me.

"You're ill?"

I turned, slightly irritated that I have to repeat myself over and over. Though I must be patient. 



I smirked at that. "Unfortunately no. To die would've been better. It's more of psychological. You don't have to worry about my lifespan, I believe I'll live longer." I offered her a soft smile before I pushed the heavy front doors open.

She walked her way up the steps and followed me inside.

"W-what kind of illness do you have?"

"Split disorder," I replied as I shrugged my coat off and hang it on the nearby coat rack just beside the door. I helped her out of her apron and hang it too.

Without waiting for her, I walked into the kitchen and over the fridge. I grabbed a bottle of whisky and uncorked it.

I took out two old-fashioned glasses from the cupboard and filled them. I handed her one.

"Oh, no. I don't drink." She refused.

"Come on, try it. It's one of the finest liquors."

Tentatively, she moved closer to the counter and reached out. I watched her brought the glass into her nose and her expression turned sour but then she took a sip and tasted it in her mouth.

She frowned after sipping from her glass and put the glass back on the counter while I consumed mine. I watched her as her eyes wandered around the kitchen. I saw the awe in her eyes, the way they glimmered as they jumped from one place to the other.

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