Four | Sexual Urgings

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Natalia's POV

The kiss he gave me blew my mind. As I ran away from his house, I was deaf of everything except of the heart thumping against my chest.

There was something about the man that stirred the sexual urgings I didn't know I possessed. The thought of him above me made my heart quicken and my breath thick.

I had little experience with men but I knew there was a unbreakable bond between us. The attraction I felt for him was stronger than my fear of men.

He offered to give me anything I want in exchange of helping him. But I had experienced the cruelty of life that it was hard to trust. More than that, his eyes were deep and seemed to hide the deepest secrets. He's a man who do not let anyone in.

Now, as I walked quickly away, I pondered to where I was headed. First, I have to get my paintings back before Kate sell them too. I grabbed a cab.

"Buckingham," I said to the driver.

When I got there, Kate was nowhere and the shop was locked up.. I didn't have the keys. My money was hidden in the secret pocket of my suitcase and I meant to get all my things. Maybe, Jayson, my co-painter might help me. 

I looked upward thinking I might climbed up and get in through the glass window. I could use some ladder. Without thorough thought, I folded my sleeves and went to Mr. Louis.

"Hey, lady." The old man greeted me the moment I walked into his store. He was behind the counter and before him was his book. He also held a pen. He must be balancing his accounts.

He peered through his spectacles and wore his usual cordial smile. He was dressed in blue overalls and his head streaked with white hairs. I returned the greeting.

"Kate locked the shop but I have to break into the place to get my things. Do you have a ladder or something?" I spoke as I walked to the counter. 

"Oh, I don't have one." He replied, closed his book, and leaned over the counter. "But I can lend an improvised key for you," He winked.

He turned and when he came back he held up a piece of improvised unlocker made of small thin metal.

"Why do you let he stomp you around?" Mr. Louis questioned as we headed out of his shop.

"You won't believe this but she sold me-,"

"Sold you!!" He scoffed in disbelief. "I know how despicable she can be but selling you was the most despicable of all. Your father would've slapped the hell out of her had he saw everything. Damn she's good at being nasty!"

"Fortunately the man didn't force me to stay with him."

He turned and walked down the road to my gallery next to his shop. I followed him.

"Good for you, how could she do that to a young woman like you. Told you it's better to leave and go somewhere she can't find you,"

"That's what I plan to do now," I sighed. Finally, we reached the place and Mr. Louis slipped the metal into the keyhole. He turned it and it clicked as it unlocked. 

"Thanks Mr. Louis," I said.

"Do you need any more help?" The man offered.

"Nope, you have to see to your shop now. I can manage,"

"That's the spirit. Good luck to you Natalia, don't forget to visit me sometime, okay?"

I nodded and watched him walked away. When he reached his shop he waved at me. I pushed the door and quickly packed my paintings. I wrapped all of them in brown papers and boxes. Kate had flung one of my paintings into the floor. There were scratches at the surface and I almost felt like crying at the moment. I packed all my paints and brushes into a box.

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