Paw print on my body ;)

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Hi guys back again with another update (no shit Sherlock)


'What does this mean?'

Nathaniel looks from the new tattoo on my shoulder to the new tattoo on the palm of his hand. Both are identical, a single black paw print.

'I...I don't know to be honest. I've never heard of an imprint happening so fast. Usually it takes a few weeks, months even' he answers in a whisper.

I watch as his hand reaches out and he proceeds to brush a finger over the paw were it settles between shoulder and collar bone. The contact causes a shiver to wrack my body as my senses are invaded with a hot tingling sensation. I don't want it to end but my mind makes me back away from him.

I need answers first.

'How old are you?' I ask as my eyes narrow at him. The interrogation has now begun as he replies....

' Eighteen. Before you ask my mother is not a hell hound,she's dead, me and Summer do not get along, nor is she my sibling meaning Xavier is not my father. Its a long complicated story but all you need to know right now is that you can't tell anyone about me being what I am. Otherwise my plan will fail and a lot of people will die'.

By now my eyes were as wide as saucers. I think...well I don't know what to think except that I am way in over my head. How on earth can this be real, how can he be real. As he takes my hand in his and I immediately get a sense of home I realise this, whatever this is, is as real as it is going to get. Whether I like it or not my life is going to be full of confusion and drama for the next good while.

I stare at his piercing blue eyes momentarily captivated by a sharpness in them. 'Most importantly you can not tell anybody about us...about this' he trails putting his fingers over my now covered tattoo. I take a sharp intake of breath and nod. Deep down I know if Xavier was to find out or even Summer that it would be bad bad news for us.

He smiles, the stretching of his mouth lighting up his whole being and I let out a sigh to which he laughs at. I just can't help it. He's a stud muffin! Anyone else would just jump him but, i'm a civilised well socialised, mature woman. Yeah right!

'Lets go back, but Sam. Can I call you that? ' I nod my head and let a small smile grace my lips. Olive Samantha Miller is what my parents named me but I prefer Sam and Samantha over Olive, much to my their horror. Although dad would sometimes call me Sammy whenever he'd be in a particularly good mood. ' Please don't become friends with them. It's for your own safety although Jason is okay, he's on our side but no one is to know. Do you understand?'

I grimace and he acknowledges it as a sign of understanding.

As he walks off and I follow behind I realise something.

'What will I do when I get back? I mean they'll notice I'm going to be avoiding them'. I don't mention that they'll notice I happen to be suddenly talking to a guy I followed to the carnival.

' Let me think...' I watch as his face contorts and then just as fast is masked by a blank expression. His body language is stiff though. ' Does your boyfriend go here?'

'What? No!' I cringe. Why the hell would he say something like that? He's my mate for gods sake. Isn't he supposed to hate any guy that likes me?

' Well I suppose you'll just have to pretend he goes here I guess' he says rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.

' That'll be really hard since I haven't got one'. Really is he serious?

' But you told them you had one. Why would you do that? ' he asks exasperated.

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