The Council Meeting

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hi guys so thought I would update again today to get this story really flowing and give it a nice head start. I am so excited for this story ugh! cannot express it enough :-) anyway remember to vote and comment if you like please :-D


Mom-> Becky-Jo

'What will we do? Its manic!' shouted one council member from across the giant council table.

The cream and gold dining room was coloured black by dozens of council members. The big wooden table was littered with papers, pens and council members shouting to be heard over the commotion.

They are right, I mean it is ridiculous. They were acting like three years who got their favourite toy taken off of them. I'm in no state of mind to bicker for gods sake! Olives ritual is in a couple of hours.

'Silence!' I roared. The hall became quiet instantly. At least now I have their undivided attention. 'Yes. I know it is well, manic as you all say but, there is reason for it being so.You all bicker and squabble like little toddlers when we are not thinking of our community.You are all being selfish, am I right? It is our duty to defend our future airs and our ancestors that is why, at midnight tonight myself and Matthew have decided to give our powers to our daughter. She will be head of council as we will indefinitely become mortal and no longer able to run the council meetings'.

Uproar consumed the hall. The tall golden ceiling only magnified the sound. Words flew back and forth like,'Upsurd!....a child?......joke!' I was mad, very mad.

I pulled my blonde hair into a tight pony tail and fixed my Steeled green eyes on everyone.

'Do you hear yourselves talk? I for one have the utmost faith in my daughter. She is a born leader. Do you not remember her when she was just a wee thing? She always asked if she may help or assist you. She would sit and listen to your tails and stories till you could no longer remember anymore. That girl is still there but now, is replaced by a more mature and strong leader. I have no doubt we will be lead to greatness once again!' I declared with as much confidence as I could muster. I knew I was right. I had a feeling.

'I am in no doubt questioning not my lady but, what about our treaties. Innocent lives are being taken. We do not have sufficient numbers to fight.Hell creatures are killing the reason not known. The werewolves and vampires are looking to go to war but not yet sure who to blame or who to fight. Someone has poisoned the angels queen meaning they are very pissed and I for one do not want to be stuck in between a furious angel nation who are ready to point the finger at anyone'.

'Xavier, brother. I understand what you say. My daughter will be well informed by tonight. I have also made a time schedule. From tomorrow, Olive will no longer attend normal school she will be schooled at home and her teachers will consist of you. Hear me out first. Is it not best to educate our new head council member. She will be taught the laws ,ways ,spells and history of our community. She will be a queen in the making. Is that clear?' spoke my husband in his strong deep voice.Everyone nodded, many happily,others , not so much. I was very proud of him in this moment. He would not let anyone hurt our little girl. Not ever. She would be strong. Like him.

I watched as he ran a hand through his brown hair his button nose, just like Olives , scrunched up in concentration.

He called a list of people who would teach Olive how to be a witch, handed them their schedule and then brought the meetings to a close.

I can safely say there has never been as an exciting meeting as this one since everyone found out Daniel Radcliff was really a witch well, warlock really.

Only a few more hours and Olive will have more power than she ever bargained for, sweet Mary save us!

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