Chapter 10

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SEPTEMBER 16, 1957

It had been a good two weeks since you left Graceland and Elvis was frantic. He called you every morning and night, you were even surprised with a white corvette on your second day of being in your own apartment. You tried turning it down multiple times, claiming it was too much for barely a parting gift, but he insisted, and his stubbornness wouldn't allow you to budge him anymore.

You were sitting on your couch when your phone began to ring. Elvis had just called you this morning, not too long ago, so it couldn't be him again.

You picked up the phone and began to speak into the receiver, "Hello?"

"Y/n!" A cheery voice squealed from the other end of the phone, "I've missed you!"

"You called me last night, Kassie." You smiled, recalling your eventful phone call from last night. Kassandra was ranting on and on about her love life and it was definitely your entertainment for the night.

"What? I can't miss you over the span of a night. Too bad! Anyways, what are you doing tonight?"

"Nothing, why?" You answered, taking a sip of your hot coffee.

"Come on out to Seth's  party tonight, he's been wanting to meet you!"

You remembered Kassandra speaking about Seth a while back. Every once in a while, his name would pop up. He had owned several big boutiques across the state and they were always filled with beautiful clothes. Some would say you were lucky and blessed to have such connections but nothing would beat the fact that you were Elvis' number one girl, and you still are.

"I dunno, Elvis wanted me to-"

"Forget Elvis, Y/n! You need to live a little; you two need to let each other breathe. It can't be love if you don't leave any damn wiggle room for the new to come in!"

She had a point, you and Elvis had constantly been seeing each other still, which somewhat ruined the whole point of you moving out of Graceland, per Gladys and Colonel's 'suggestion'.

You knew why they, at least Colonel, wanted you out for some time. Elvis had been in the papers more and more for his new 'single' status. Many paparazzi haven't followed you around since then, but from time to time, whether you were getting out of your gifted vehicle, bringing in groceries, or even grabbing the daily paper from your designated mailbox in the lobby of your apartment, you'd hear the click of camera flashes.

"I dunno, paparazzi could be dragged into the party... I wouldn't want to be a burden on Seth."

"Seth won't mind! He gets stopped for questions and pictures all the time! I'm sure the people there wouldn't mind being in a few pictures, doll. And don't worry about Seth, worry about you! You need to occupy that busy mind of yours with somethin' other than Hound Dog."

Giving in, you smiled and nodded. "Fine, fine, I'll go. Now tell me the address, so I can write it down!"

You got ready for the party and decided to throw on one of the dresses you haven't worn before. It was a dress with a mix of different shades of blue all swirled around and mimicked a marble design. It was tight fitting from the waist above, which was nice since it hugged your curves nicely, and had a boat-like neckline that nearly made the dress off the shoulders, but not quite. The sleeves were long bell sleeves and they slightly added to the dramatic effect. From the waist down, the skirt of the dress wasn't as tight as the top but barely mimicked the flowy effect from the sleeves. The skirt of the dress wasn't necessarily long either, the hem barely stopping a little lower than your mid-thigh.

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now