Chapter 34

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Elvis being gone to Vegas really left me worried and feeling some type of way. Yes, he called every night and before each of his shows so he could hear Lisa-Marie and I say good luck & good night, but I can't help but think there might be someone else.

He tried to make it very clear to me that he only had eyes for me, but of course I've heard that before, everyone has.

I was deep in thought, lying underneath the cool satin sheets of Elvis' empty bed. He was partially right when he said Graceland didn't feel like home when Lisa-Marie and I weren't here, because really, Graceland wasn't home without Elvis. I was used to him holding me close and rubbing circles on my back when I would fall asleep.

Just then, the phone next to the bed rang. Eager to hear Elvis' voice, but not wanting to seem totally available, I let the phone ring a few more times before picking up the phone and holding it up to my ear.

"Hi," I muttered out.

"Hi, baby," he greeted, his southern drawl sounded just as heart-clenching over the phone. "I missed that sweet voice."

Thankfully, Elvis was coming back tomorrow. His absence had me absolutely losing it, and I felt like I didn't really have a purpose without him and Lisa-Marie. He was really my other half, I was here for them.

"How was your show?" I asked, gently intertwining the phone cord with my finger.

"It was good. I would've done better if you were here, mama."

"Elvis, stop. Your shows are always good- you're always good."

"Yeah? Ya' know what I'm really better at, mama?" He asked. Knowing Elvis, he was smirking and tilting his head back as if he was accomplishing something by hinting at his dirtiness.

"You need rest Elvis," I laughed, now hovering over the phone receiver.

"Alrigh'. It was worth a shot," he chuckled. "I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. I wanna see you and Lisa-Marie there the second I pull up. Goodnight, Little One."

"Goodnight Elvis."

Neither of us hung up the phone as we were both thinking about whether or not it was time to say "I love you" to each other. I eventually convinced myself that it still too soon so I gently placed the phone back down on the receiver.

Sighing as I clutched onto the pillow in place of Elvis, his cologne still lingering on the satin fabric. I wondered what Elvis was doing. Was he doing the same thing I was at that very moment? Was he missing me in his arms? Was he missing the way I would glide my nail tips against his temples when he couldn't sleep? Or was someone else fulfilling my spot?

Not wanting to think about this anymore, I let go of the pillow, turned on my side, and went to sleep.

I woke up to Lisa-Marie bouncing on the middle of the bed. Rubbing my eyes, I turned my body around to see my sunshine, and she was erratic about something.

"Good morning, love bug, what's got you jumpin'?" I asked with a yawn escaping my lips halfway through my question.

"Daddy called me to say good mornin'!" She cheered.

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now