Chapter 22

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AUGUST 23, 1960

A handful of weeks flew by and you were sitting on the couch in the living room going over some papers for Elvis. Colonel's words were ringing throughout your head for weeks and you didn't know what to do.

One side of you really wanted Elvis. You were scared that if you got distant again, he'll find someone for good. Sure, stuff has happened between you two a few times since June, but there was nothing really behind it.

Sometimes you would be in the car with Elvis and a few others and you'll bring up relationships. There's times where Elvis would say, "I don't want anythin' right now," or "I'm waitin' to find the right girl." They were both valid reasons, but the way Elvis was so possessive over you, and still claimed a relationship wasn't what he was looking for, constantly made you question your status.

You were so caught up in your swarming thoughts that you almost didn't hear Colonel calling your name until he snapped his fingers in front of you.

"Huh?" You blurted out, being brought back to reality.

Colonel narrowed his eyes at you. "You seem to be a-uh... distracted. How about we take a break, my dear?"

"Yeah... yeah," you stood up, straightening your skirt out. "Thank you Colonel."

You decided to walk out of the living room and head into the kitchen for a snack. You began to search the pantry before you saw a box of donuts on the counter. Excited upon seeing the sugary treats, you rushed over to open the box. You immediately grabbed the pink frosted donut and took a big bite out of it.

While you were munching away, the house phone in the hallway rang. You weren't in a rush to pick it up, but by the time you made your way to the doorframe, a familiar deep voice with a southern twang answered the phone.

"Hello?" Elvis spoke. "'Cilla?"

Your heart dropped as you clung to the wall that kept you hidden. Directly behind you was Elvis talking to Priscilla on the phone. You listened to their conversation with anxiety building up throughout your entire body.

"I'm... I'm good. How're you?"

There was silence in between his responses, you couldn't hear what she was saying, but you were imagining the worst.

"You wanna go out to dinner? Uh... I don't see a problem with that."

You felt like breaking down into tears, but you needed to step back and just calm yourself; you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.

"Tonight? Boy, that sure is early notice mama," Elvis chuckled.

He called her 'mama'?! What the hell? He was just with me this morning, you thought to yourself. Surely he couldn't be thinking about getting back with her.

"Well sure thing. I'll see you later tonight..." he paused. "You too, Satnin."

That was your breaking point. He called her Satnin. Elvis never called any girl Satnin, it was a nickname him and his mama would call eachother before she passed. He said it only a few times to you, but he just said it to Priscilla.

When he hung up the phone you went back to the box of donuts and acted like everything was okay as you stared outside at the pool and watched everyone enjoying themselves. You needed a break, time away from Elvis, he was draining you both physically and mentally.

"Hey, Y/N/N," he said smoothly as if nothing happened. He stood next to you, attempting to use that charming smile on you.

Taking a deep breath, you smiled and looked up at the man. "Hey, E."

"I'm glad you like the donuts I bought this mornin'," he laughed, placing his hand on the small of your back.

Is he serious right now? You thought to yourself again.

"You got plans for tonight?" He asked.

You took a moment to think, looking outside the window once more. Your eyes immediately went to Kevin, and you decided to play Elvis' little game.

"Yeah.. I do, actually. Kevin and I were prob'ly gonna go check out a movie tonight."

"Just you and Kevin? Or are ya' bringin' a few others?" He asked, furrowing his brows

Perfect. "Nah, just Kev and I. He asked me this mornin'."

"Well... I... are you sure tonight is gonna work out? Colonel wants us to go look at this new stage and I need ya' to come along."

You wanted to confront him about the phone call but decided to wait. "Well, I think a movie will be good for me. I've been workin' and haven't had too much of a break."

"But Y/n, this is important. More important than hangin' around that... kid."

"Elvis I'll be gone for a few hours. I'm surprised you don't have plans tonight."

"I... I don't. But I was hopin' we could spend the night together, Satnin." He put his hands on your waist and pulled you close.

You've gotta be fuckin' kidding me! Is he seriously pulling this shit after sweet talking Priscilla?

Normally, you couldn't help but smile when he held you against his body. He smelled of his familiar and sexy cologne. But now, your mind began to wander as you stared into his eyes. You felt betrayed and you no longer felt the same spark you used to.

"I... I gotta finish paperwork, Elvis. Sorry." You quickly pulled away from him and darted to the living room.

The Colonel was still sitting down in the same position he was last time. You sat down in front of him and continued through the paperwork as if it was nothing. He didn't say anything but he kept a concerned gaze as you shuffled through papers.

He sighed and leaned back in his seat, crossing his hands on his lap as he did so. "So," he started, "is it Elvis?"

You nodded, not daring to lift your eyes from the papers in front of you.

"My darling, I'm sorry... but he is- he is a performer! A globally famous one at that. I know you have feelings, but I cannot let you get hurt. You are our best addition to the team. You keep his world spinning, yes, but he can't be the reason your world stops," Colonel explained.

His words made you consider a lot of things. Specifically, the fact that he was looking out for you so much. He really knows what'll happen if you keep letting Elvis hurt you.

You began to think about the life you and Elvis could have. As Elvis' wife and the mother of his children, you'd be in his shadow forever. Not that the publicity mattered to you, but if you were his shadow Elvis would forget about you until you disappeared. You wanted a normal life, and it was far too late at this point.

You wanted to be Elvis' light and the love of his life, you couldn't keep competing for that spot. He had to choose, and he had to choose soon. You were starting to get fed up with his mess, but this was only the mere beginning.

With Love, 𝙀𝙡𝙫𝙞𝙨Where stories live. Discover now